Star Wars: Force Unleashed - Developer Interview Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.04.2008 4

It's time to wield a lightsaber using the Wii Remote or DS stylus - Krome chats Star Wars: Unleashed.

In a swanky new video, the brains behind the Wii version of Star Wars: Unleashed, the Australia-based Krome chat about the thought process behind bringing the multi-platform experience to the Wii. Why the Wii remote 's used, and what players can expect for the exclusive dueling modes.

N-Space are heading the DS version and discuss the simple play mechanics and intuitive use of the stylus to slash-up some foes along the way.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed hits all consoles on September 16th 2008.

Box art for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed








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Looking good - the Wii version doesn't look 1/2 bad!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'm still thinking I'll get the 360 version. But who knows? If the controls really add a lot to the game according to reviews, I might have to pick up the Wii version.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

The DS Version looked poor to me, and i was really hoping for a Lightsaber add on but the wiimote will do. I might be tempted to pick it up, depends how long the game will last im not paying

Looks neat - if they nail the Wii Controls it could end up being an awesome game.

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