First Rock Band Wii Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.04.2008 6

Harmonix/EA discuss the upcoming Rockband for Wii at the Nintendo Media Summit.

Despite not having downloads content at launch, the game features 5 additional songs for your bucks, including hits from the Ramones, Oasis and more.

Rock Band Wii hits stores in the US on June 22nd, with a "Summer 08" released penned down for Europe.

Box art for Rock Band








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European release date Q2 2008   North America release date 22.06.2008   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Q2 2008   

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I guess this is a good alternative for those who do not have a 360 or PS3 as the core gameplay is relatively the same anyway. Still wish there was DLC support.

I'll stick with the 360 version and my created character, thank you.

Shame about the lack of DLC.
Nintendo seriously need to get their arse in gear.

Looks good though.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

With the price of the damn thing, I'm surprised anyone is buying any version of this overpriced atrocity.

D_prOdigy said:
With the price of the damn thing, I'm surprised anyone is buying any version of this overpriced atrocity.

We'll have to see how well it does but we all know it has to FLOP!

The said it won't have DLC at launch. There is a small possibility, that they will give us this later on. If you are so much a fanboy, you can read in the clouds, that there's actually no DLC at launch and their will be a USB-Device delivered later on and then Rock Band will follow straight with DLC.
But probably he only said 'no DLC at launch' to lure us into buying anyway, without any DLC whatsoever. *grin*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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