Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (GameCube) Preview

By Nick Cheesman 04.04.2005

Taking on terrorists and doing it in a stealthy fashion was originally made cool by Solid "Dave" Snake, however Sam Fisher took the mullet and innuendo away to take stealth to darker levels. Pandora Tomorrow improved on the first game with better AI, more detailed environments and multiple pathways. However it was still plagued with small problems. Chaos Theory now looks to change all that and deliver the perfect espionage game.

In 2007 valuable information has been leaked and one individual is in position of it, so CIA sends in the Splinter Cell, Sam Fisher, to retrieve it. However little does Sam know this code can be used to steal missiles, destroy the stock markets and plunge the world in a eternal black out. Looks like Sam has to go and save the world again. The levels within Chaos Theory will as usual, alter between different countries and environments, however this time there are not simply more pathways in each level, there are constant variables that change depending on what you do. Objectives alter on your actions, and some can be missed out entirely while others will lead to sub missions, such as killing a guard who you needed to interrogate will result in you needing to find a computer terminal to get the information from that the guard would have provided you.

Splinter Cell games have always had a metre to show how exposed by light you are, but now there is a sound metre to add even more realism to the game. Enemies will now react to sound, so footsteps and creaks will all provoke reactions, and Sam's one liners will probably arouse suspicion as well. However the metre also marks with a white line to show the ambient sound of each area, so if you make sure the metre is always under this level you will not be heard.

The single player mode looks to be expansive enough, but although no online mode will be present in the GameCube version Chaos Theory, a split screen cooperative mode will be included. The cooperative mode will include five missions specifically designed for cooperative play; one tutorial and four actual missions that run in tandem with the actual storyline. When working together with another Splinter Cell you can give each other leg ups to reach higher places, toss each other across gaps, Aragorn and Gimli style, throw each other into enemies, use your partner as a ladder, and aid each other as you rappel downwards.

Objectives also require each players to do puzzles together, such as cutting wires to a bomb at the same time or using gadgets together; like jamming an electronic, while the other acts as a target to be a distraction. The AI has also been improved drastically, so luring guards out using bait is the best way to secure rooms, and attacks coordinated between each player will result in success.

Final Thoughts

Pandora Tomorrow was a solid game; bet became repetitive quickly and suffered from no online play. Now with a cooperative mode and even deeper gameplay features, Chaos Theory should deliver an even better stealth game experience. And what with no Metal Gear Solid coming to the GameCube anytime soon, it is an experience we have all been waiting for.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Out now   


didnt metal gear have 3 games in just a few years?
metal gear, metal gear 2:snakes revenge, then on the MSX: Metal Gear 2:Solid Snake. All from 1988-1990

ok, sorry, ile stop being a smart arse.

Look just read the damn preview and ignore the news post, I come up with these things in under a minute! But thank you for pointing out my error. I of course meant that it took him a longer time to get a full sequel, ala MGS3, but you are correct. Well done...now read my preview! :-D

hehe, the world is a better place with people who are happy to give negative criticism, even if they couldn't do better themselves....honestly :roll:

Nah keeps me on my toes, makes sure I don't say anything without cheking my facts. :-D It is useful though, means I check, check and check again when posting stuff up. Which controls quality and such. I'm sure you could write some decent stuff, and if not...do art. :-D

/.... /....
``` ```

"if not...do art." - i took your advise

stoopid triforce not working, grrr

[ Edited by LewieP On 2005/4/6 11:18 ]

Hehe, you're on your way already! :-D

So there's no multiplayer other than co-op, right?
Drowning people sounds awesome...but multi-player....
(I'm trying to decide between Xbox and GC version)

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

sounds and looks good :-D

this is 1 of the best gms ive evr plyd. my favorit move is drowning the guards.


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