Mario Kart - Scrambled Image Quiz #1

The second of our Mario Kart quizzes is a test for the eyes - can you unscramble these pictures?

To celebrate the release of Mario Kart 8, we've scrambled a set of screenshots and artwork from the series so far, with some tricky questions to solve. How well do you know Mario Kart?

Be sure to read our Mario Kart 8 review.

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1) Which Mario Kart character is not shown in this image?

Which Mario Kart character is not shown in this image?
a) Mario
b) Princess Peach
c) Luigi
d) Yoshi

2) Which Mario Kart track is this?

Which Mario Kart track is this? a) Moonview Highway
b) Banshee Boardwalk
c) Luigi Circuit (GBA)
d) Toad's Turnpike

3) Which Mario Kart track is this?

Which Mario Kart track is this?
a) Choco Mountain
b) Maple Treeway
c) DK Jungle
d) Rock Rock Mountain

4) Which Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Combination is this?

Which Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Combination is this?
a) Princess Peach and Yoshi
b) Bowser and Boo
c) Boo and Koopa
d) Petey Piranha and King Boo

5) Which Mario Kart: Double Dash!! track is this?

Which Mario Kart: Double Dash!! track is this?
a) Yoshi Circuit
b) Dino Dino Jungle
c) DK Mountain
d) Dry Dry Desert

6) What two Mario Kart DS characters are shown here?

What two Mario Kart DS characters are shown here?
a) Bowser and Dry Bones
b) Princess Daisy and Dry Bones
c) Wario and Rob
d) Princess Daisy and Rob

7) What Mario Kart 7 Course is shown?

What Mario Kart 7 Course is shown?
a) DK Jungle
b) Maple Treeway
c) Kalimari Desert
d) Wuhu Mountain Loop (Maka Wuhu)

8) What Mario Kart 8 Course is shown?

What Mario Kart 8 Course is shown?
a) Mario Circuit
b) Toad Harbour
c) Royal Raceway
d) Mario Circuit (GBA)

9) Which Battle Course is this?

Which Battle Course is this?
a) Delfino Pier
b) Battle Course 3 (GBA)
c) Pipe Plaza
d) Tart Top

10) Which Mario Kart 7 cup do these tracks belong to?

Which Mario Kart 7 cup do these tracks belong to?
a) Mushroom Cup
b) Flower Cup
c) Star Cup
d) Special Cup

11) Which Mario Kart track is this?

Which Mario Kart track is this?
a) Music Park
b) Desert Hills
c) Mushroom Bridge
d) Toad's Factory

12) What Mario Kart items are shown here?

What Mario Kart items are shown here?
a) Green Shells, Triple Gold Mushroom, Item Box, Thunder Cloud
b) Lightning, Item Box, Pow Block, Green Shells
c) Thunder Cloud, Pow Block, Gold Mushroom, Fake Item Box
d) Fake Item Box, Green Shells, Thunder Cloud, Pow Block

13) What Mario Kart 7 Course is shown?

What Mario Kart 7 Course is shown?
a) Waluigi Pinball
b) Neo Bowser City (Koopa City)
c) Shy Guy Bazaar
d) Piranha Plant Slide

14) Which Mario Kart: Super Circuit cup does these tracks belong to?

Which Mario Kart: Super Circuit cup does these tracks belong to?
a) Mushroom Cup
b) Flower Cup
c) Lightning Cup
d) Star Cup

15) This Rainbow Road belongs to which Mario Kart game?

This Rainbow Road belongs to which Mario Kart game?
a) Mario Kart DS
b) Mario Kart: Double Dash
c) Mario Kart Wii
d) Mario Kart 7

Leaderboard - Top 30 Users

User Score Time
2SirLink 14/1502:21
10Cheesing It Up8/1512:51

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Lol looks like I made this one too easy? Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I wouldn't say so. It's only too easy if everyone's getting 15/15 imo. Still had to look/think hard for some of them.

Bah! I only got the super circuit one wrong since I've no idea Bout the cups on that one xD I almost messed up on the characters ones also!

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

For some reason ot states I got 0/15 in 59mins but I got 15/15 in 57 seconds so ignore the leaderboard. It was a great quiz though.

Our member of the week


Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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