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Monkfish's Blog Offline

Notice: Cubed3 are no longer accepting new reader blogs (as of 17th January 2015). Existing blog entries will be available to read, archived below.

the frames

Now Playing: jimmy
Now Listening to: her
Now Watching: the old in/out

went to see them wanks tonight at vicar st in dub were half decent not worth 31 euro where they got the whole 1 euro i don't good thing i didn't pay for in my cousin did and his ex-bird dropped out so he took me Smilie we spent the second hat in the bar then we went to the club 'coppers' cause hes a garda so we get in free and there's a load of hot nurses cause
ban garda are ugly probly all the gaelic football they play my cousin pulled and i played wingman great and got her friend (Smilie she liked that)Smilie going to the stones later should be a lot better xxx and a o

Upscaled Wii

Now Playing: Wii Golf
Now Listening to: Manic Street Preachers
Now Watching: The Fast Show

Got my component cable ydy set it up properly with the upscaler whitch really helps smooth thoose jaggies on hd tvs. The picture is a bit wider and offset and i had to ajust the screen on the Wii to -8 and a little boarder along the top with a bigger one at the bottm. It took me about half an hour to figure out why the sound would work then i realised that another cable came with the upscaler to convert the phono red & white to a single 3.5mm connection. Picture below shows setup:

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Zelda SD
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Zelda vga adapted

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Much better in action screenshots don't do it justice. special thanks to Grumbler who showed the upscaler to me and i got it cheap.

Drunk no.3

Now Playing: with pam
Now Listening to: her four sisters
Now Watching: coconuts spitting hot milk

aas you might guess i 'm drunk again but sober enough to log myself on and and logggg on again l8r Smilie(it's cool to talk about it ) anyway this week i have been mostly listening to modest mouse and the klaxons who are cool if not over doing it maybe one day i'll post sober but untill i get my ball out of that jar in the kitchen it went be soon.

ps i pre ordered my wii; i is no.6 in line in debs harrow game sweet. booze taking over ribs not holding it off need sleep bye peeps naked man drop me a line i think we could work something outSmilie wiiiiiiiiiiii being drunk = Smilie
peace love and especially u-ni-tiiiey

black hole sun

Now Playing: .........
Now Listening to: wait and bleed
Now Watching: chicken going down the drain

just got home pucked!? my guts out damn chicken and snakebite 'jimmie eat wolrd on mow' man i need to sober up ned sleep summer usualal s;ow stuff. got a saturn do i need a mod to play backups? man too drunk to type ne more salt sweat sugar on the the asphualt ha hawe .... ne how jorge was was def spend alt lot monkey with imb and ati todaySmilie

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