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Nintendo's Victory Anthem

Now Playing: Zelda: Wind Waker
Now Listening to: Cold: By crossfade
Now Watching: Naruto: The Chounin Exams Saga

Ok people. Those of you that are familiar with the tune "When a Knight Won his Spurs" will find this quite hilarious.

#When Nintendo won the console war in the Stories of old,
They were innovative, they were different,
And gallent and bold.
With Wii for homeconsole and the DS for Hand.
With Mario Link and Samus, they Rode through our Lands.

No High-Def have Wii or no HDMI,
But with Wiimote and Nunchuck,
Our Victory is Nigh
Where runnest thy PSP was caused your flight
Twas the power of the Stylus and Brightness of Lite.

Nintendo's Victory

Now Playing: Zelda: Wind Waker
Now Listening to: Cold: by Crossfade
Now Watching: Naruto: the Chounin Exams Saga

Ok people word em' up. Does any of you think that The DS and in particular, the Wii are the keys to Nintendo Clinching the gaming market from Sony. If so Why?Smilie

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