Taiko no Tatsujin Wii TV Spot, Drums Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.10.2008 7

A new TV segment has aired for Taiko no Tatsujin, a funky drumming game for Wii.

We've got our typical Japanese family banging away on a nice solid plastic drum attachment that hooks up to the end of a Wii remote. The series started off in the arcades and has recently seen an entry on the DS.

The Wii version bops into shops on December 12th 2008.

According to Siliconera the game will feature 70 tracks to play through, including top J-POP hits, anime themes, classical arrangements and video game tunes.

Confirmed so far:

Kiseki from the Drama “Rookies”
Niji Gokusen theme
Shuchishin by Shuchishin
Sakuranbo by Otsuka Ai
Natsu Matsuri by Winds
Tsubomi by Maria

Break the Chain from Kamen Rider Kiva
Together from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
Precure 5 Full Throttle Go Go!
Jungle P from One Piece
Anapanman’s March
Bluebird from Naruto Shippuden
Anata boshi from Kirarin Revolution
Doremon’s theme

Symphony Number 9
William Tell’s Prelude

Video Game Music
Super Mario Brothers Theme
Do-Dai from the Idolm@ster
Star Soldier Melody

Namco Originals
Angel Dream
Ego Ego Atakushi

Box art for Taiko no Tatsujin Wii

Bandai Namco


Namco Bandai





C3 Score

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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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The drums were on show at TGS at the Namco booth. I think it looks great, really great Smilie

Mario, Bowser and some other enemies. Smilie Must-get?

Must get for me. I loved this game on DS!

I can't see the vid! Stupid comment box!Smilie

Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.

Looks awesome! Love percussion master in the arcades, so this should be a treat! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I'm glad they didn't follow suite with Nintendo's donkey kong and released a peripheral!

With just wiimotes..it isn't that same D:

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

You need a drum with this game, it's a absolute must, people may complain about having yet another plastic toy but I'm not complaining about this at all. If it was just the Wii Remotes this game would be in ruin.

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