Quantum of Solace Wii Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.10.2008 11

Quantum of Solace is due out this week, and the first snippets of the game on Wii have leaked.

The latest Bond shooter combines the events of the first revamped film, Casino Royale and the young agent's direct follow-up flick, Quantum of Solace.

We tried out the Xbox 360 version at an Activision press event earlier this month, and despite some tricky errors with controls and the inaccurate cover system, the game benefits from working around the successful Call of Duty engine.

Thanks to C3 reader Linkyshinks for the tip.

Box art for 007: Quantum of Solace





First Person Shooter



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Actually I went to an independant game shop on Monday, and they have the Wii version in stock...

Either that or it was a display case and they didn't mention it and it had a price on it.

Seems like it actually has WiFi!

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The bounding box seems a bit too wide, but besides that and the shoddy quality of the video(which i guess couldn\'t be helped) it doesn\'t look too bad.

I\'m going to see the movie on friday Smilie should be good.

( Edited 30.10.2008 01:19 by Stulaw )

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SuperLink said:
Actually I went to an independant game shop on Monday, and they have the Wii version in stock...

Either that or it was a display case and they didn't mention it and it had a price on it.

Seems like it actually has WiFi!

Release for the game in the UK is October 31, 2008.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Release for the game in the UK is October 31, 2008.

Yeah that's what I'm weirded out about...

Could have just been a display case that wasn't made too obvious to be a display case.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
jb said:
Release for the game in the UK is October 31, 2008.

Yeah that's what I'm weirded out about...

Could have just been a display case that wasn't made too obvious to be a display case.

You mean like they eveloped it but it's almost like they want the Wii version to flop, because it' the forgotten child.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
NNID: Stulaw

I'm surprised that we haven't seen anything before this video (and a leaked video at that...).

I would hope that this was could be like the next Goldeneye, but it's going to take a lot for any Bond game to match that. I am looking forward to the reviews on this game.

ps. I wonder if the Zapper is supported.

Why would you want zapper support, it dosn't do anything other than decrease the amount of buttons and motions you have acess to.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Looks ok.

Apart from the player models it looks very much like tc PC demo I downloaded last week. Good job done here I think.

Not as bad as the initial screens would have suggested, but I'd still take CoD:WaW any day. Speaking of which, how about giving the Wii version a decent online mode, eh Treyrach?

I want to see more on the control side of this game. The visualize don't look to bad though through youtube.

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