James Bond: Quantum of Solace, New Wii Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.10.2008 14

Activision have sent over more screens from the Wii version of Quantum of Solace.

The game and film see a release this week in the UK, with the Wii version boasting pointer/remote controls and simple gameplay/design to its next generation counterpart.

Image for James Bond: Quantum of Solace, New Wii Screens
Image for James Bond: Quantum of Solace, New Wii Screens
Image for James Bond: Quantum of Solace, New Wii Screens
Image for James Bond: Quantum of Solace, New Wii Screens
Image for James Bond: Quantum of Solace, New Wii Screens

Don't they look just lovely?

Sarcasm aside, the company also sent over the Wii manual, including details of controls and multiplayer modes to shoot your way through.

Image for James Bond: Quantum of Solace, New Wii Screens

  • Wii manual for Quantum of Solace

  • Box art for 007: Quantum of Solace





    First Person Shooter



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    *shivers* the graphics remind me of Red Steel.. You decide if that's good or bad.

    ( Edited 08.04.2013 10:09 by Guest )

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    Where you been Faust? Welcome back.

    I think I'd remove my hands if they looked that bad. It doesn't look all that terrible though. Its certainly no Conduit though.

    ( Edited 05.01.2013 03:31 by Guest )

    To hell and back, returned as a music-making, jester-faced little devil thing. The tea there was lovely, though.

    EDIT: Oh, and apparently, I destroy things :-/..

    Just been busy with loads of things, 'sall^^.

    And it doesn't look THAT terrible to me, but the fact it reminds me of Red Steel, which is sort of 'old' by now, makes me worry about the rest of the game.

    ( Edited 05.01.2013 03:31 by Guest )

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    Dude, Red Steel looks a LOT better by comparision. This looks god damn awful.

    Red Steel screens by comparision:

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    Looks like they have the same enemy faces problem in the Wii version too. I've played the 360 one previously at an event and it suffered as 1/2 the enemies had the same face. Yawn.

    This is supposed to be a sodding James Bond game, yet it looks appauling.

    ( Edited 11.12.2012 04:00 by Guest )

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Hey, it just reminded me of RS ^^'.. Just the smeared-out textures and stuff like that.

    Btw, JB, sidenote, check out the link in my sig, to my Youtube profile, you might like what you hear xD.

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    Doesn't look too good to me, but I wasn't expecting it to be really. Visually it looks pretty bad as well, I'd rather wait for The Conduit.

    ONM gave this 52% in their review and said it suffered from bad AI, bad visuals and was generally bad all-over.

    Oh my science...that looks terrible.

    Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

    That last screen reminds me of N65 goldeneye?

    woooooooooooo!!! A nintendo sicty four port!!! Smilie
    A port of a game from the best console ever guarantees its awesomeness!!SmilieSmilieSmilie

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    Uh...that's the CoD 4 engine running on Wii? No thanks. I'd rather they build a new engine.

    Looks like an early PS2 game.

    Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
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    Hawt screen shots, definitely some awesome grafix happening there.

    Nighfire (EA developed) for GAMECUBE:

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    Looked a hell of a lot better, if not just as good as this Wii one. Guns in QoS do look way more detailed, but still, this really proves that how shite this Wii one really is.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Lighting doesn't look too bad. It may look better in motion but I would expect more from the CoD4 engine, even on Wii.

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