Ubisoft Buys TrackMania Developer, Nadeo

By Adam Riley 05.10.2009

Ubisoft Buys TrackMania Developer, Nadeo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Today Ubisoft has announced the acquisition of the development studio Nadeo, creator of TrackMania, the cult multiplayer car racing video game.

Set up in 2000 in Paris and comprising a highly talented team of developers, the Nadeo studio has won acclaim for the quality of its multiplayer technology which offers one of the best available on-line gaming experiences and has already notched up 10 million registered players. Its flagship game - TrackMania - has 700,000 unique players a month and is a pioneer in the sharing of creations (almost 15 million custom tracks created since 2008). It is also the first eSport franchise for racing games.

"The acquisition of Nadeo is an important step in our expansion within the on-line gaming sector. Through Nadeo, Ubisoft will gain an expert team, one of the best on-line technologies around as well as a flagship multiplayer game that enjoys an unrivalled reputation among a loyal and committed community. We are excited about the idea of introducing TrackMania to an ever-wider audience and sharing the expertise of Nadeo's teams with our Group's other developers."
- Yves Guillemot, Chief Executive Officer of Ubisoft.

"Joining Ubisoft is a huge opportunity for us to develop and innovate and take Nadeo to new horizons. Nadeo's team was keen for this acquisition to happen. Like players in a community, we see ourselves as being a complementary fit with Ubisoft and believe that we can share and quickly move ahead together."
- Florent Castelnérac, Chief Executive Officer of Nadeo.

With TrackMania already on DS and coming to Wii soon, do you think this purchase is a good thing?

Box art for TrackMania



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