Atlus Brings Mahjong to Nintendo 3DS

By Adam Riley 27.04.2011 3

Atlus Brings Mahjong to Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Atlus has announced MAHJONG CUB3D, an addictive, intuitive tile-matching puzzle game from developer SUNSOFT with captivating three-dimensional effects for Nintendo 3DS, set to release on the popular platform in North America this summer.

MAHJONG CUB3D is the perfect game to pick up and play solo or with a friend at home, on the go, or on a break, satisfying gamers and fans that enjoy exciting puzzle action. Players will have hours of mind-bending fun matching colourful Mahjong tiles in 3D to solve and unlock dozens upon dozens of puzzles in three different modes and difficulty settings. In Cube Mode, players quickly rotate the puzzle in 3D and match identical tiles in a race to clear them from the board before time runs out. Fans can challenge a friend or family member in Vs. Mode via Download Play, or go solo and solve everyone's favorite brain-teasing tile-matching puzzle game in Classic Mode.

MAHJONG CUB3D will keep players coming back, striving to unlock more puzzles each time. With 200 puzzles, three different modes and difficulty settings, plus the ability to compete head-to-head with a friend, this addictive 3D Mahjong game provides an abundance of fun, replayability and value!

MAHJONG CUB3D for Nintendo 3DS is slated to release in Summer 2011.

Box art for Mahjong Cub3d








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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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I swear, I've somehow read this as Cubed3 when I first saw it and was just totally confused. Smilie

SirLink said:
I swear, I've somehow read this as Cubed3 when I first saw it and was just totally confused. Smilie

Also guilty.

Really awesome to see all these planned 3DS game news stories. Exciting stuff.


Smilie Me too! I got the Press Release and was like... 'Huh?!' Smilie

Mahjong's actually quite fun. Hopefully this comes to Europe as well.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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