How Big Would Mario Be When Downloading Him?

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.10.2012 4

How Big Would Mario Be When Downloading Him? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's not often fans question Mario's size, but in the days of downloading Nintendo has confirmed just how much space he'll take by noting the file and block sizes for full retail games on the 3DS eShop.

From November 1st existing titles like Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land will become available for players in Japan to download directly onto their 3DS systems at the full retail price. Most of these will range from 512MB to around 1GB in size - so a pretty hefty SD(HC) card would be needed!

  • Animal Crossing: Jump Out - 8,192 blocks (1 GB)
  • Hana to Ikimono no Rittai Zukan - 8,192 blocks (1 GB)
  • Mario & Sonic at the London Olympic Games - 4,096 blocks (512 MB)
  • Mario Kart 7 - 8,192 blocks (1 GB)
  • Mario Tennis Open - 4,096 blocks (512 MB)
  • Pilotwings Resort - 1,024 blocks (128 MB)
  • Super Mario 3D Land - 4,096 blocks (512 MB)
  • Star Fox 64 3D - 5,120 blocks (640 MB)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - 4,096 blocks (512 MB)
With that and pricing in mind would you opt in for digital releases or stick to traditional physical editions?

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For anyone wondering what that random Japanese name is, it's an encyclopaedia that didn't exactly do too well in its first week on the Media Create charts:

20./00. [3DS] Flora and Fauna 3D Field Guide (Nintendo) {2011.09.29} (¥3.800) - 6.034 / NEW

After that it quickly faded away...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Any idea if we're ever going to get those download codes available at stores/online, like the Japanese market have? I'm pretty sure Nintendo said we'd get them, but I see no sign of them anywhere. :/

Mush said:
Any idea if we're ever going to get those download codes available at stores/online, like the Japanese market have? I'm pretty sure Nintendo said we'd get them, but I see no sign of them anywhere. :/

Download codes were available (and still are) for Wii Shop Channel games (WiiWare and Virtual Console) on Amazon. Haven't seen any for eShop games yet though.

Mush said:
Any idea if we're ever going to get those download codes available at stores/online, like the Japanese market have? I'm pretty sure Nintendo said we'd get them, but I see no sign of them anywhere. :/

Download codes were available (and still are) for Wii Shop Channel games (WiiWare and Virtual Console) on Amazon. Haven't seen any for eShop games yet though.

Thank you, nameless person. Smilie Hopefully eShop codes will appear in stores and online soon. Wouldn't mind getting a download copy of Animal Crossing if I can get it for about £30 (Same price as most online retailers.)

( Edited 10.10.2012 12:32 by Mush )

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