1080p YouTube Channel Now Available on Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.11.2012 11

1080p YouTube Channel Now Available on Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Within a week of launch, YouTube has arrived on the Nintendo Wii U as a dedicated app together with full 1080p and GamePad support.

The world's biggest video site is perhaps the place to go to for a slice of entertainment in this day and age - from full on shows to snippets of cats playing piano or hapless boyfriends attempting make-up. Cubed3 have a YouTube channel for your Nintendo viewing pleasure, as well.

Image for 1080p YouTube Channel Now Available on Wii U

Whilst Wii U owners were able to surf YouTube using the onboard browser, the app provides a more streamlined experience - allowing players to navigate and search the millions of videos available using the GamePad.

The service also includes subscribed channels and genres to flick through, with video details shown on the touch screen.

Download and access the YouTube app on Wii U from today.

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From what I've heard, the browser is so good that this app isn't even really needed. Someone showed off watching videos on Youtube, managing his account and all that and it worked just like it does on any decent PC browser. It has multiple tabs too, so you're not just limited to Youtube and can multitask while listening to the video. Plus, you have curtains! Can't get any cooler than that.

Quite interested to try it out myself because the 3DS browser just sucks.

( Edited 23.11.2012 01:34 by SirLink )

I just downloaded and tried this out tonight.

It is a very sleek app. I like it better than using the actual YouTube website.

The one thing about this app is that it seems to require use of the TV. Unlike Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon, I didn't see anyway to browse for videos or watch videos on just the GamePad. It's possible that I just missed how to do this, but I didn't notice it in my first use.

Welp, i know how im watching gamegrumps from now on.

You can't preview a video on the Upad before sending it to the big screen? That's pretty vital in my opinion...

Canyarion said:
You can't preview a video on the Upad before sending it to the big screen? That's pretty vital in my opinion...
The YouTube app can be updated, and this feature is available in the browser, I believe. They just wanted to get the YouTube app out there ASAP. I'm sure it will be updated so that you can watch videos on the GamePad. Smilie

Makes you wonder why they didn't get that function if they've been able to work on the app for 1.5 years now...

Oh well. All this news makes me even more excited about the Wii U launch. I heard they've already released patches for multiple games! Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing...

Canyarion said:
. I heard they've already released patches for multiple games! Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing...
Patches are a great thing, just as long as the games aren't released full of glitches. Then that isn't okay. Patches can sometimes create problems, like the Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed patch did on Wii U, but Sumo said they are working to fix that and hopefully a patch should be out soon.

Mush said:
Canyarion said:
. I heard they've already released patches for multiple games! Not sure if that's a good or a bad thing...
Patches are a great thing, just as long as the games aren't released full of glitches. Then that isn't okay. Patches can sometimes create problems, like the Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed patch did on Wii U, but Sumo said they are working to fix that and hopefully a patch should be out soon.

I know I downloaded updates for both "Call of Duty: Black Ops II" and "New Super Mario Bros. U".
I'm wondering if the patches have something to do with the Nintendo Network going live.

The nice thing is that the system seems to automatically check and, if necessary, download patches prior to you playing your game.

Sonic_13 said:
I know I downloaded updates for both "Call of Duty: Black Ops II" and "New Super Mario Bros. U".
I'm wondering if the patches have something to do with the Nintendo Network going live.

The nice thing is that the system seems to automatically check and, if necessary, download patches prior to you playing your game.

Do you mean, for example, you just turned on your Wii U and are browsing Miiverse or watching videos on Youtube for a bit and if there are any patches, it automatically detects and downloads them (even if you don't have the game inserted when you own a physical copy)?

Or do you have to start the game and then find out there's a patch you have to wait for? Smilie

Canyarion said:
Or do you have to start the game and then find out there's a patch you have to wait for? Smilie
I believe the patch is downloaded and installed when you try to start the game, like it is on the 360. Though you can just cancel the patch/update and play the game straight away, but with online games, I'm assuming you HAVE to have the latest version.

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