Third Entry in Zero Escape Confirmed by Director

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.12.2012 1

Third Entry in Zero Escape Confirmed by Director on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The adventure/escape series from Chunsoft is set to continue with a third Zero Escape game confirmed by director Kotaro Uchikoshi.

As director and leader of the design team, Uchikoshi took to Twitter to confirm the third game in the series, a sequel to Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, after initially being discussed in a previous issue of Nintendo Power magazine.

The 3DS/Vita game was localised, released in Europe just over a week ago, featuring a cast of characters who have to either co-operate or betray one another to effect the outcome of the storyline - trapped inside an abandoned warehouse.

Uchikoshi confessed that there might be some time before the next release, especially given how recent the latest title was, but did note that mystery surrounding character Phi will be explored in the third game, with some familiar faces set to return - including original protagonist Junpei.

Cubed3's Adam Riley recently explored the 3DS demo for an insight into what to expect from the full game, with the debut game in the series 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors receiving a perfect 10/10 score in our import review.

Platforms for the new game have yet to be confirmed, but given a DS debut and a 3DS follow-up, it's more than likely the third title will unravel on the Nintendo 3DS.

Box art for Zero Time Dilemma








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Doesn't surprise me, but it's superb to hear! Why am I not surprised? Well:

VLR is AMAZING! Review coming as soon as I can tear myself away from it... Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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