Wreck-It Ralph Smashes onto Nintendo Wii, 3DS & DS

By Adam Riley 09.02.2013 3

Wreck-It Ralph Smashes onto Nintendo Wii, 3DS & DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Looking for some wrecking action? Well, get ready, because Activision's adventure video game, Wreck-It Ralph, is now available in the UK for Wii, Nintendo 3DS and DS. An all-new story extension to Walt Disney Animation Studio's movie, the Wreck-It Ralph video game, follows a misunderstood bad guy-turned-hero, Ralph, as he teams up with Fix-It Felix Jr. to save their arcade home from a nasty Cy-bug invasion.

Players can use Ralph's havoc-heavy hands to destroy Cy-bugs and earn special arcade tokens for the valiant effort. Switch between the 8-bit heroes and play as Ralph, who can wreck anything, or Fix-It Felix Jr., who can't help but fix it all. Smash into the classic arcade world of the Wreck-It Ralph video game today!


In cinemas on 8th February, Walt Disney Animation Studio's Wreck-It Ralph tells the story of Ralph, who wants to shed his bad guy image and prove once and for all that he can be the good guy. Follow Ralph in this hilarious, arcade-game-hopping adventure, as he leaves the shadow of his hometown hero, Fix-It Felix Jr., and abandons his arcade home in hopes of finding his own heroic spotlight. Can Ralph make his dreams of becoming a hero come true before it's game over?

Box art for Wreck-It Ralph





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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I just dont know how they could of messed it up so badly. The games are awful, its not like there was nothing to work with, they are just trash. Rushed out asap to be released along side the movie. It's ironic and a shame a game about a movie that references so many games can fail on so many levels. As far as i can tell, there are no licensed characters in the game, its just the disney created OCs, Stock art is pasted everywhere in the background to remind you might be playing a wreck it ralph game and it dosn't even follow the same story nor structure as the movie itself, its just a crappy games they threw reconisable charcters into. I don't think you even tried activision. This would have been so much better if a real games company like Nintendo SEGA or Capcom developed it.

That's a real shame - I just watched the movie and thought it was pretty decent. Had a few good laughs in it...I thought perhaps the games would be retro-styled platform adventures.

Which version have you played?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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I wish they had just released the "Fix-It Felix Jr" arcade game as a $10 downloadable title.

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