New Kickstarter Launched for Shadow of the Eternals Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.07.2013 30

New Kickstarter Launched for Shadow of the Eternals Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Precursor Games have launched a new Kickstarter campaign for Shadow of the Eternals today.

The premise is still as it was previously, following the story of Detective Paul Becker as voiced by David Hayter, of Solid Snake fame. However the episodic nature of the original plan has been scraped in favour of a single, fleshed out storyline.

The project also a more achievable goal of $750,000, half of what the studio was asking for initially.

As well as Wii U and PC, which remain the core consoles, Precursor are also adding PlayStation 4 support as a stretch goal too.

For more on Shadow of the Eternals, be sure to read our interview with Precursor Games.

Box art for Shadow of the Eternals








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Mogs (guest) 26.07.2013#26

I shall call you Member from now on, since you are not polite enough to call me by my user name.

Dont know where on earth this FF7 rant came from. I was merely using it as a suggestive game since you were talkin about wanting old games on the Wii U. Doesnt matter if its any old FF game or DMC or Resident Evil or whatever else you mentioned, all i'm saying is that these are not the types of games that will get the mass public to end up buying a Wii U. Yes people will buy it for them sorts of old games but not the complete vast majority and general public. Those games are not what will give the Wii U a bright future ... new and exclusive stuff is.

Jacob4000 also summed things up so thank you. It doesnt matter what you think, the fact is the PS4 is a more powerful machine than the Wii U so its just simply gonna miss out on certain 3rd party games. You just have to accept that.

I slapped down 50 euros on this.
This campagn makes A LOT more sense - not split between two sites like before being the main one.

Btw, people tried their forum?

Its really advanced. The most ott and featured forum system I have ever seen, in fact.

"following the story of Detective Paul Becker as voided by David Hayter, of Solid Snake fame."

...and the voice of Lupin 3rd in Castle of Caligosto. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Same here, hope it can make it . I loved eternal darkness , it would be great to have another game like it 

why is shadow of the eternals on pc and ps3 or xbox360 aswell wiiu it should wii u only since its from creators that made Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem that only gamecube only its nintendo game not Microsoft game and sony game

Stephen Mc Garry said:
why is shadow of the eternals on pc and ps3 or xbox360 aswell wiiu it should wii u only since its from creators that made Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem that only gamecube only its nintendo game not Microsoft game and sony game

Because not enough Nintendo fans are funding them - they need to raise money, and having more potential players on different platforms makes that easier.

Besides, I dont own a WiiU, despite owning a Wii and Gamecube. Not everyone automatically buys the next console. Having this on PC gives me more options.

( Edited 09.08.2013 12:01 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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