Dungeon Crawl in Super Smash Bros 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2014 5

Dungeon Crawl in Super Smash Bros 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The 3DS version of Super Smash Bros. will have its own exclusive multiplayer mode called "Smash Run".

Played with up to four friends, each fighter steps into a dungeon, crammed with enemies and power-ups, venturing through the level for five minutes. After the time limit runs out, it's time to honour those skills and abilities earned in a regular battle. Multiple 3DS consoles would be required to play, however.

Image for Dungeon Crawl in Super Smash Bros 3DS

What do you think of the concept behind Smash Run?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Bandai Namco







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YEAH!!! Kirby Air Ride City Run in Smash Bros.! Was my favorite mode. Now it's sure I will buy both versions xD

Shame it's not available on the Wii U version - would have made the matches more varied I think

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Shame it's not available on the Wii U version - would have made the matches more varied I think

I'm guessing that the Wii U version will get its own exclusive mode and we just haven't seen it yet, because it's still over half a year away from release.

This mode is definitely adding to the stack of reasons that tempt me to buy the 3DS version too, which is likely one of their intentions.

Great little mode that I can see myself having quite a bit of fun with. As SirLink said, I'm sure there will be a mode which is exclusive to the Wii U version, but it's probably too early to announce it just yet.

Bet I end up getting the 3DS version in the end. x)

I must admit, this mode would be fun online and did make me more tempted.

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