Pokémon X/Y Patch Fixes First Ball Action

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.10.2014

Pokémon X/Y Patch Fixes First Ball Action on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More ball action for trainers in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y after a recent patch update.

As well as smaller bug fixes, the 1.3 patch for the Nintendo 3DS release addresses an animation issue that occurs when a Pokémon trainer throws out a ball for the first time - this could be when capturing a critter, or launching the first one in battle.

The animation would previously play whilst switching Pokémon into the battlefield, but it seems this oddly wasn't the case with the first ball.

However, rest easy as the latest update brings a consistency between all the ball action.

Have you spotted the change in Pokémon X and Pokémon Y yet?

Box art for Pokémon X and Y

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



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