Why Voice Support is Inconsistent in Nintendo Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.06.2015 4

Why Voice Support is Inconsistent in Nintendo Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo rep Julie Gagnon was asked about why some online games have voice chat and others don't.

Nintendo have had a mixed approach to supporting online voice communication in Wii U and 3DS games so far - some games, like Mario Kart 8, benefit from it, whilst others - like Splatoon - lack voice functionality.

Gagnon noted how Nintendo feels that "the people in the game do not need voice chat in order to communicate with each other because we have 'oh, stay here' or 'come here' icons." 

Nintendo believes there are "may ways to communicate," and how it's down to the development teams to "decide, depending on the features and the game itself, whether voice chat is included."

Do you think games like Splatoon would benefit from voice chat?

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Nintendo seriously have employees with the surnames Bowser and Ganon? Swear they just pick these people up based on name alone. Smilie

No! No voice chat. Voice chat is one of those features that turn me off games. I know it is selfish of me to argue out of my standpoint alone, but to me VC ruins games it is in. I bloody hate voice chat.

Other non-VC options (like come here icons) are far better as they are clearer and more direct devices of communication. I find those far more enjoyable.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

There's universal voice chat and then there's private/friend voice chat.

Private/friend voice chat is a good thing. Luckily there's at least Skype for some people who can access it while playing games.

Other non-VC options (like come here icons) are far better as they are clearer and more direct devices of communication. I find those far more enjoyable.

Not really, with the Splatoon communications, I just forget they even exist and I'm to busy focusing on the game to even take notice.

( Edited 27.06.2015 11:17 by Marzy )

I think if they added a party chat system it would sort out the issue tbh.

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