Star Fox Zero Soars into Earth Next April

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.11.2015 9

Star Fox Zero Soars into Earth Next April on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Do a barrel roll at the news, Star Fox Zero is coming to Wii U next April, Nintendo confirmed today.

Originally a 2015 title, Star Fox Zero was delayed earlier this year in order for the team and Shigeru Miyamoto to deliver the optimum experience. The classic shooter series is reborn in HD, with Nintendo and Platinum games tinkering with different control schemes that uses both the TV screen and the GamePad.

Image for Star Fox Zero Soars into Earth Next April
Image for Star Fox Zero Soars into Earth Next April
Image for Star Fox Zero Soars into Earth Next April

The intergalactic experience will launch on 22nd April on Wii U and here's a striking new trailer of Fox McCloud and pals in motion.


Will you save the galaxy in Star Fox Zero next year?

Box art for Star Fox Zero

Arc System Works


Arc System Works





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  6/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Still doesn't look very good, and not just visually.

HUD stuff looks better, at least.

( Edited 03.01.2016 22:18 by Marzy )

Yeah, still not getting this.

Dudes, it looks alright! I'm defo getting this one - though really does need a good co-op/multiplayer features.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

tbf it looks improved - the top screen makes it look so for that stage. But that stealth/robot crap looks like it'll seriously destroy the pace and style of the game, and we're still forced to use the gamepad, so it's not got a chance with me.

I might still get it someday for the right price, but if it had just been designed like a normal SF game, I'd have bought it with no hesitations.

yea, i think that robot thing is a step to far for a game like this and the whole gyro copter thing is un-inspiring. the visuals have improved a bit but for  me they are not important. what this game should have been is a sanbox game, nintendo style. fleshing out the story of fox mcloud, set in the lylat system, online co-op and im sold. instead i dont know if ill  pick this up at launch tho nostalgia is calling. 

I think it looks ok, although I hope we could just play the game normally, I actually don't want to use the Gamepad, just give me the option to use my TV to shoot stuff. 

I also agree that the little irobot thing will mess with the pacing, but only if it interrupts a normal level.

I really hope this isn't rebooting the story though, it is getting a little frustrating with the lack of continuity in story. With a name like Starfox Zero I was always hoping it would be a prequel to the 64 game with the "original" Starfox team

ive been waiting for this one...
i hope i can be the one to review it.

I think I'll reserve my judgement on this game until it's released. Platinum haven't let me down yet, so I'm sure the gameplay will be fun.

Angus said:
I think I'll reserve my judgement on this game until it's released. Platinum haven't let me down yet, so I'm sure the gameplay will be fun.


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