The Big Nintendo 2012 Quiz #1

From new games, events and rumours, 2012 was the year of the Wii U and 3DS. How well do you remember the world of Nintendo during 2012?

Put your mind to the test in The Big Nintendo 2012 Quiz!

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1) In January Capcom announced a fifth game in which of its popular franchises for Nintendo 3DS?

In January Capcom announced a fifth game in which of its popular franchises for Nintendo 3DS? a) Ace Attorney
b) Viewtiful Joe
c) Resident Evil
d) Final Fight

2) Which two Japanese studios finally merged as one in 2012?

Which two Japanese studios finally merged as one in 2012? a) Namco + Bandai
b) Konami + Hudson
c) Tecmo + Konami
d) Capcom + Hudson

3) Two new Zelda games were rumored and proven fake, what were they called?

Two new Zelda games were rumored and proven fake, what were they called? a) Kingdom of Fire / Ice
b) Fire Spirit / Ice Spirit
c) Eldin Chronicles / Hylia Chronicles
d) Prophecy of Fire / Ice

4) Which of these 3DS games wasn't released in June in Europe?

Which of these 3DS games wasn't released in June in Europe? a) Rayman Origins
b) Mario Tennis Open
c) Heroes of Ruin
d) LEGO Batman 2

5) When did E3 2012 begin?

When did E3 2012 begin? a) June 5th
b) June 3rd
c) June 1st
d) June 6th

6) What was the first game Nintendo revealed during E3 2012?

What was the first game Nintendo revealed during E3 2012? a) LEGO City Stories
b) Nintendo Land
c) Pikmin 3
d) Batman: Arkham City

7) Which Nintendo console celebrated its 15th European birthday in Europe in March 2012?

Which Nintendo console celebrated its 15th European birthday in Europe in March 2012? a) GameBoy Advance
b) GameBoy Micro
c) Nintendo 64
d) GameCube

8) Which Nintendo character made a cameo appearance in Metal Gear Solid for 3DS?

Which Nintendo character made a cameo appearance in Metal Gear Solid for 3DS? a) Mario
b) Kirby
c) Yoshi
d) Bowser

9) Which of these Nintendo franchises didn't get a self-titled release in 2012?

Which of these Nintendo franchises didn't get a self-titled release in 2012? a) The Legend of Zelda
b) Kirby
c) Mario Tennis
d) Pokémon

10) Which of these Japanese studios wasn’t involved in Project X Zone?

Which of these Japanese studios wasn’t involved in Project X Zone? a) SEGA
b) Capcom
c) Namco
d) Nintendo

11) Which 3DS game shipped with an amusing typo on its spine in 2012 in Europe?

Which 3DS game shipped with an amusing typo on its spine in 2012 in Europe? a) Ben 10: Galactic Racing
b) Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
c) Tekken 3D: Prime Edition
d) Resident Evil: Revelations

12) The Midnight Purple version of the 3DS launched alongside which game?

The Midnight Purple version of the 3DS launched alongside which game? a) Kid Icarus: Uprising
b) Mario Tennis Open
c) Paper Mario: Sticker Star
d) Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask

13) What date did the Nintendo Wii U launch across North America?

What date did the Nintendo Wii U launch across North America? a) November 18
b) November 11
c) November 19
d) November 25

14) Nintendo revealed a new revision to the Wii, the Wii Mini, for which region?

Nintendo revealed a new revision to the Wii, the Wii Mini, for which region? a) South Korea
b) Canada
c) China
d) Australia

15) A modder blended two Nintendo 64 controllers together for which game?

A modder blended two Nintendo 64 controllers together for which game? a) Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
b) Goldenye 007
c) Perfect Dark
d) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

16) Capcom announced a 3DS spin-off to Lost Planet called?

Capcom announced a 3DS spin-off to Lost Planet called? a) E.X. Troopers
b) Lost Planet 3D
c) Dystopia 2099
d) Lost Universe

17) The Legend of Zelda theme was sampled by which R&B group?

The Legend of Zelda theme was sampled by which R&B group? a) Sisters With Voices
b) En Vouge
c) Noralynn Rowe
d) Dawn Richard

18) Paul Gale predicted a project that blended which two Nintendo franchises?

Paul Gale predicted a project that blended which two Nintendo franchises? a) Mario and Zelda
b) Zelda and Kid Icarus
c) StarFox and Metroid
d) Mario and Kirby

19) A fan -concept trailer for which Zelda game was leaked minutes before E3?

A fan -concept trailer for which Zelda game was leaked minutes before E3? a) Wind Waker
b) Majora's Mask
c) A Link to the Past
d) Link's Awakening

20) What did Club Nintendo members receive for purchasing Xenoblade, Last Story & Pandora’s Tower?

What did Club Nintendo members receive for purchasing Xenoblade, Last Story & Pandora’s Tower? a) Commemorative RPG Coins
b) 1000 Bonus Points
c) A limited edition RPG Book
d) A signed developer autographed soundtrack

Leaderboard - Top 30 Users

User Score Time
15Jean Of mArc10/2003:23
20Hyrule Kitten6/2003:31
21Cheesing It Up6/2003:54
22gamer 16/2004:27
25バンクス アレックス4/2002:09

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Aha, I haven't even heard about #15 and #17. I WISH a new Veautiful Joe was announced. :C

ScreamoPichu said:
Aha, I haven't even heard about #15 and #17. I WISH a new Veautiful Joe was announced. :C

Ya those two were a bit more obscure pieces of news - ya, Capcom have a big number of fans who really would!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

For question 10, technically they were all involved with project x zone.

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