Nintendo 64 Quiz #1 - Test your Retro Knowledge

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1) What was the Nintendo 64's code/project name called?

a) Project Reality
b) Project Dream
c) Project Revolution
d) Project PlayStation

2) Which of these was not a European launch game?

Which of these was not a European launch game?
a) Super Mario 64
b) Banjo Kazooie
c) Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
d) Pilotwings 64

3) Which of these is not a real Nintendo 64 game?

a) Glover
b) Rakugakids
c) Asteroids Hyper 64
d) Virtua Fighter 64

4) What was the name of the unsuccessful disk add-on for the Nintendo 64?

a) N-Drive
b) Nintendo 64DD
c) Nintendo Play
d) ND64

5) Which of these games does the following screenshot originate from?

Which of these games does the following screenshot originate from?
a) Mario Tennis
b) Mario Party
c) Mario Golf
d) Mario Kart 64

6) Nintendo launched the Rumble Pak with which of these games?

a) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
b) Star Fox 64/Lylat Wars
c) Banjo-Kazooie
d) Mario Party

7) Which of these characters is not a racer in Mario Kart 64?

Which of these characters is not a racer in Mario Kart 64?
a) Koopa
b) Donkey Kong
c) Yoshi
d) Toad

8) What was the name of the final boss in Smash Bros?

What was the name of the final boss in Smash Bros?
a) Bowser
b) Metal Mario
c) Crazy Hand
d) Master Hand

9) Which of these isn't a button on the Nintendo 64 controller?

a) R
b) Z
c) A
d) X

10) Which of these games does the following screenshot originate from?

Which of these games does the following screenshot originate from?
a) Diddy Kong Racing
b) Beetle Adventure Racing
c) Donkey Kong 64
d) Banjo Tooie

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4Danny Ae9/1000:28
13SirLink 6/1001:08
15Cheesing It Up5/1001:14

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Drat! I only got 1 out of 10 on this one Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

thats still good jb . i got 7 out of 10

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