Picross: Records of the Shield Hero (Nintendo Switch) Review

By Lilly Kirchner 21.01.2025

Review for Picross: Records of the Shield Hero on Nintendo Switch

The Picross series, developed by Jupiter, has been running for a long time—most recently on Nintendo Switch with the Picross S series, which saw multiple instalments, including several themed titles. The latest entry, Picross: Records of the Shield Hero, is another themed title developed as a homage to the anime The Rising of the Shield Hero. Is it worth playing? Read on to find out!

This Picross entry is a little different from the usual S-series. From the moment the game is started, this becomes clear thanks to the beautiful artwork and different style of menu. For someone unfamiliar with the anime itself, it still looks cool and distinct—not to mention the abundance of anime art featured throughout the title. But let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
The menu itself is organised differently from the typical Picross S titles. Players can choose whether they wish to play the title by episodes, which allows puzzles to be solved episodically in line with the anime, or in one of the other modes available. This time, Picross and Mega Picross fall under a single title screen option and can be swapped between by using the L or R buttons. The puzzles are the same as those found in the episode mode; however, here they are sorted by difficulty rather than chronology. To recap, the 'normal' Picross mode consists of traditional grid puzzles, where numbers at the end of each row and column indicate how many squares need to be filled in the corresponding row or column. For Mega Picross, some rows and columns are summarised with numbers that apply to two rows or columns at once, which makes the gameplay a bit trickier. After solving a grid, a picture is revealed.

Screenshot for Picross: Records of the Shield Hero on Nintendo Switch

Of course, the all-time favourite Color Picross mode is not to be missed in this entry, either. Here, players solve Picross grids with different colours, adding an extra layer of challenge. Clip Picross, another mode available straight from the menu, comprises individual small puzzles that must be completed to reveal a large picture at the end. These individual puzzles are unlocked in the Picross (or in this case, also the Episode) modes by solving puzzles there.
Finally, the Extra mode features huge and very difficult grids to solve. These are challenges that should not be taken lightly, but it feels all the more satisfying when they are completed!
The title runs without any hiccups. The cursor moves as smoothly as ever, and different assist options allow players to tackle extra-tough puzzles with support. However, the soundtrack is not particularly varied, and there are no options to change it—but since this is a title that can easily be played in quiet contemplation, this is not a major issue. In terms of playtime, this title will take players several hours to complete. Complete novices will likely benefit from the tutorials, whereas seasoned players can skip them.
Regarding the theme, while the screenshots from the anime and character artwork are fantastic and engaging, it would have been nice to unlock short video clips as well.

Screenshot for Picross: Records of the Shield Hero on Nintendo Switch

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

Overall, Picross S: Records of the Shield Hero is a solid Picross title that looks as polished as can be. The theming is fantastic and on point, and while more could have been done in terms of soundtrack or video clips, the title provides a solid few hours of entertainment that shouldn't be missed.






2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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