Final Fantasy Record Keeper (iOS) Review

By Luna Eriksson 29.04.2015

Review for Final Fantasy Record Keeper on iOS

For the hardcore Final Fantasy fan, what could be more appealing than if all of their favourite characters throughout the series were collected into one game and teamed up alongside each other? Ever wanted to see Cloud and Sephiroth fight side by side, or enjoy having Paladin Cecil and Dark Knight Cecil standing together? This is the idea with Final Fantasy: Record Keeper, Square Enix's free-to-play smart device title, which ploughs through the plots of the Final Fantasy games and allows an all-star party to be comprised to tackle dangerous and iconic missions and bosses of the universe, all in beautiful pixel graphics that will make any old-school fan of the series' heart melt with nostalgia. A perfect warm up for the upcoming Final Fantasy XV.

The actual story and lore in Final Fantasy: Record Keeper is not much to brag about, as it is barely an excuse plot to introduce the fan service in a, for a fantasy world, believable way. The essence of the past has been kept in paintings to keep the memory of the times of old fresh, but they have recently started to fade away, and it's up to the historian Tyro to save the paintings by entering the world within them. These are, of course, the older entries in the Final Fantasy series.

Beside the fan service to long-time fans of the series, Final Fantasy: Record Keeper also offers one of the better Final Fantasy experiences in recent times. The battle system is a throwback to that found in Final Fantasy VI, which is arguably one of the best combat systems in the series to date, and it is the one best fit for a free-to-play smartphone game as proven here. The auto system even makes it so that trash battles can be played without any further input at all, to save up spells and such for the boss battles at the end of each dungeon.

Screenshot for Final Fantasy Record Keeper on iOS

Speaking of the dungeons, the system in which dungeons are fought is similar to many titles in the free- to-play RPG market. Stamina is spent to enter the dungeons and then they are fought through. The stamina is restored over time, or can, in true free-to-play fashion, be bought for money. The rate in which stamina is restored is extremely generous, though, with one stamina point restored every three minutes. To give a picture of how much that is, in the current stage of the game, the last missions in the story mode cost around five stamina each to complete, and one dungeon contains around five missions (the maximum that can be held is somewhere between 30-50 depending on how many stamina shards have been obtained). Most story dungeons drop refills of stamina, which basically means that it is possible to play through most of the story mode without having to ever wait a long time. The only time some waiting can be expected is when doing the challenge events that pop up every now and then, which offer new characters. It is a very generous free-to-play title in that department.

There are also - for being so early on in the game's life cycle - a decent number of dungeons. There are 21 different ones in total, each with a challenge mode. This is excluding any challenge dungeons that are currently available and daily dungeons. With the promise of more to come, this makes for a beefy experience, especially as the quality of the dungeons is good, with exciting boss battles that are sometimes very skill-testing.

The generous stamina system and how well it is put to effect through Final Fantasy: Record Keeper makes it one of the very best free-to-play experiences out there. It is truly a game that any Final Fantasy fan should try, and as it is free there is no excuse not to do so. Even in this early chunky state, it could very well have served as a paid game in its own right, but with more to come it might end up with a high amount of great content.

Screenshot for Final Fantasy Record Keeper on iOS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 9 out of 10

Exceptional - Gold Award

Rated 9 out of 10

Final Fantasy: Record Keeper is a trip back to the past, and an extremely well-developed one at that. It is arguably one of the better Final Fantasy titles released in recent years, and takes the memories back to the greatness of the series' past, when pixel sprites were the latest fashion. There is a large amount of content, and if looking at what has been released over in Japan, there is a lot more to come, which will help keep the game relevant for a long while. Beside the nostalgia, this title succeeds in standing on its own due to its fun boss battles and great gameplay that help introduce people to the long tradition of the Final Fantasy series. Final Fantasy: Record Keeper comes strongly recommend to anyone with a smart device. This free-to-play title should be downloaded, if for nothing more than the pleasure to create a unique all-star party containing fan-favourite characters throughout the franchise's long and glorious history.




Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

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