VoxelMaker (Wii U) Review

By Renan Fontes 12.10.2015

Review for VoxelMaker on Wii U

Video games have reached a point where they stray a bit away from the "game" part and forgo game design and still do relatively well, commercially and critically. Playing VoxelMaker isn't really possible, as it's more of a program to get people comfortable with 3D models. For those not interested in making them, this is a hard pass. For those who are interested, VoxelMaker might still be a hard pass.

VoxelMaker's biggest strength and weakness is the fact that it throws players right into the game without much fanfare. They are greeted to a grey screen in which they can get building as soon as possible. Tutorial screens are present, but they're all very brief, encouraging the menus to be explored. This is good because it motivates reading and truly figuring out the mechanics. It rewards patience, as models are slowly learned how to be built, edited and saved.

This is also bad, however, because it alienates those less enthusiastic, or even the more apprehensive types. If someone goes into this because they have a mild interest in 3D model design, they could be turned off from the concept entirely because of how unfriendly VoxelMaker is coming out of the gate.

Screenshot for VoxelMaker on Wii U

A game's job should be to get people to want to play it, but this has so much potential to turn someone off. It's ugly, the text is pitifully small, at times it can be disorienting, and it simply isn't friendly to beginners.

The problem with all this, however, is that it feels specifically made for beginners. There is nothing truly complex about the modelling process. Once it is figured out how to navigate the clunky and overwhelming menus, everything begins to go smoothly, but the most likely person to stick with it and get to that point is someone who has done 3D modelling before, making VoxelMaker inherently counterintuitive. The models that can be made are very blocky in nature, as well, with no option for more realistic modelling, only further emphasising its status as a beginner's introduction to 3D modelling.

Screenshot for VoxelMaker on Wii U

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 5 out of 10


VoxelMaker isn't bad per se, but it's also not good. Design-wise, it's constantly fighting against itself. It wants to be friendly towards beginners, but it seems to want to cater to those more advanced, without offering someone experienced with 3D modelling anything they would most likely want to make. Ultimately, it's not quite worth the buy for anyone.




Nostatic Software





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   


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