By Athanasios 01.11.2020
Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry was far from perfect, yet it was also far, very far from how bad some of the entries in this longstanding, adult-oriented adventure series have been. The developer behind it proved that it could make a good Larry game, which meant that there was hope that the sequel would be a vast improvement. Sadly, the ones who now own the rights to this lovable loser, seem to have lost their track, as can be seen in Wet Dreams Dry Twice.
Here's the deal with Wet Dreams Dry Twice: if you have played the previous instalment, you've seen everything this has to offer. Sure, this takes place in a tropical island (amongst other places), whereas the original was basically a homage to the first Larry game, and thus had Larry run around a dirty metropolis… but as a whole, they are almost identical both in theme and gameplay. 'Almost' is the key word.
First, the good stuff. This uses the same, bright and vibrantly colourful palette, with each and every single scene being very good-looking and detailed… aaand that's about it. No, really. That's the only positive thing about this. Sadly, it doesn't fix one of the first one's main issues, which was how it artificially "stretched" gameplay time by adding lots of filler content, mostly in the way of puzzles.
Like before, this has the player picking up tons of garbage from the environment, in order to bypass all sorts of obstacles. The bread and butter of point-and-clicks, right? Sure, that's what must be done in most of them, but here this goes overboard with the items that can be picked up, mixed, and used, essentially dragging the experience down. There's absolutely no reason this should take eight hours to reach the end.
The best example of the way this handles the puzzle-solving, is probably the very second "level," where Larry, while stranded on a tropical island, searches for a girl from the previous title that he has fallen in love with. The simple act of learning where she might be needs one to two hours of running from NPC to NPC gathering info, and from area to area gathering items and mixing and matching them. In other words, the whole thing takes place in the same spot for too darn long.
Note that this isn't a bad game. Some of the puzzles are actually pretty fun to figure out, with the solution to most having the right amount of weirdness the genre needs - it's just that it has an awful pacing that ruins it all. Even worse than the gameplay, however, is how the naughty comedy aspect has been handled - also known as the one thing that always mattered the most in the series.
Forget silly-yet-fun innuendos and double entendres. The dirty one-liners in here are way too obvious, uninspired, and heavy-handed, and happen so often that it gets tiring. Remember the commentary on… well, pretty much everything by the narrator of Love for Sail? You can forget about him. This is all about filling each and every scene with yonic and phallic objects. Juvenile. Even for a Larry game.
By no means the worst in this unfortunate line of adventure games, Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Dry Twice has forgotten what makes a Leisure Suit Larry game fun. What's that? Well, apart from puzzles that don't drag out so freaking long, a Larry game mostly needs that kind of naughty humour that's less about penis-shaped props, and way-too-obvious dirty jokes, and more about the loser protagonist's lust getting him into all sorts of crazy situations.
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