By Sandy Kirchner-Wilson 08.11.2020
RavensCourt have been publishing the Let's Sing series for a few years now. Most recently they've brought Let's Sing: Queen to Nintendo Switch. Developer Voxler has only these karaoke style games to their name and have adopted the tagline "Music Game Experts". Cubed3 has reviewed a few of their games in the past, like The Voice which captured the feeling of the television show of the same name. They've proven themselves to be great at the genre so it's exciting to dive into their latest release.
Voxler has done their best to try and make the series accessible without buying expensive usb microphones. They co-developed an app that allows players interact with the game via their smartphones. To put it mildly there was some real trouble trying to use this with Let's Sing: Queen on Switch, so instead the system was docked next to the TV and usb microphones proved the best way to interact with the game's content. That said, if the app does work it's probably an adequate alternative. The big worry is that if the app has issues with Switch connection, then Switch Lite users will be left out in the cold, with no way to use usb accessories.
Turning to the positive. As with most of the Let's Sing games the user experience is key to enjoying the package. Let's Sing: Queen has a slick user interface (UI) that makes it very easy to pick modes, add players and generally explore the contents hassle free. This is true of the UI during the singing, which displays lyrics, voice key and many other things in a neat and simplistic way so as not to confuse players who might find it hard to concentrate on the moving elements. The karaoke experience is serviceable, with options to set the sound delay for a nice responsive singing experience and various quality of life elements. The voice tracker feels very accurate showing an easy to understand visualisation of if the player's voice matches the notes in the song. The scores also being prominent lets an air of competition grow as the song pushes forwards.
When the game is first booted up, there is a profile designer which allows for a character choice to represent the current user, which is limited but more are unlocked as progression milestones are met. From there the mode menu is visible. It clearly explains each of the 6 gameplay modes. Firstly, there is Classic mode which allows for two players to sing along to the tracks competing for a high score. Then there's Feat. mode which instead focuses on duets making players sing together to achieve scores. Next is Mixtape mode, which is focussed on creating a custom playlist of tracks and singing through them all- this is the mode with the most customisation. Juke Box is where the game's music tracks can be listened to without singing along. World Contest is the online offering allowing for leaderboard competition; unfortunately only available for one player, and finally Let's Party mode which allows for groups to take each other on- this mode supports eight players and is the largest offering in the game. This variety makes everything feel content full and expansive despite the rather limited song sheet.
All in all, there are 30 songs in the base game, all of which have supporting original music videos played in the background during the singing and jukebox modes. Given the popularity of Queen, it's not surprising that the developers made a title solely focussed on their offering. Experiencing the high notes of Freddy Mercury is interesting but it makes for a hoarse and limiting sing. Yet even with the song list and the amazing sound quality... the entire thing feels incomplete and is clearly geared towards fans who can pitch-perfectly sing Bohemian Rhapsody by heart.
The developers have done their best to offer Queen fans an unmissable experience, but it does mean that if Queen isn't a personal goldmine of song bliss, then it is advisable to steer well clear of this game. It's a serviceable karaoke experience but with the complexity and high notes of Queen this is definitely a hard one to recommend. If Queen are like personal idols, then pick this up without hesitation, otherwise there are more varied and interesting karaoke games out there.
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