The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - Official Topic

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( Edited 03.07.2013 03:59 by Azuardo )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

I hope master quest makes it in as well, really liked the changes they made in the dugeons. Very hyped for this and skyward sword so I'm looking forward to more info on each of them Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

If this version ends up having two new dungeons, it will be so awesome.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Dude id own anybody if ocarina of time was multiplayer lmao i beat the game from the beginning on N64 in 2 hours and collected all golden skullatas +all heart pieces and never died once

(Dark and light jak) Jak3

chronomon dm said:
i beat the game from the beginning on N64 in 2 hours

No you didn't. Smilie

Personally I'd won't be bothering with this game unless the dungeons are different, I've played OoT enough times already now.

O yes i did lol ganon fell 2hrs and 10 minutes after i made a new game

( Edited 02.09.2010 19:03 by chronomon dm )

(Dark and light jak) Jak3

chronomon dm said:
O yes i did lol ganon fell 2hrs and 10 minutes after i made a new game

I didn't know that the bunny hood let you run faster in OoT.

it doesnt i had a horse...

(Dark and light jak) Jak3

Did you turn off the game after the 3 medallions Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Guest 03.09.2010#10

You never died once?

Pff, amateur.

I like a lot of the suggestions the guy in the video makes. Not so much with redesigning existing dungeons. Leave them be.

chronomon dm said:
Dude id own anybody if ocarina of time was multiplayer lmao i beat the game from the beginning on N64 in 2 hours and collected all golden skullatas +all heart pieces and never died once

Impressive! Still, being fast and very complete in the single player doesn't mean that said pwnage will transfer over to a multiplayer competitive setting. Personally I can't really imagine OoT multiplayer beyond maybe some archery minigames.

It'd sort of seem tacked-on just because all games need multiplayer in this day and age. I think OoT could go without just fine. Maybe some leaderboard options with friend filters as commonly found on XBL and PSN games.

Not actual multiplayer, but you could still see who's caught the biggest fish and such out of you and your friends. Maybe a dungeon time-trial mode would be good, with said times loaded up to said leaderboards for said rivalry between friends.

What happens if your left-handed? that touchscreen stuff would be awkward for me.

chronomon dm said:
O yes i did lol ganon fell 2hrs and 10 minutes after i made a new game

Well a quick search on the internet suggests that that's actually impossible, especially with " all golden skullatas +all heart pieces" like you claim.

Unless of course you've found some amazing glitch that no-one knows about...?

to tell you the truth i did its very complicated so ill put it like this i ended the game with...

3 medalions shadow forest and water
saria's song and zelda's lullaby
all important items (ocarina of time and megaton hammer for example) all heart pieces/golden skullatas and all powerups from great fairy's including din nyuru and the courage one lol forgot name. PLUS i fought phantom ganon as kid link and dont try it it takes forever it took a half an hour to beat him lol double the hits then adult ?_?

(Dark and light jak) Jak3

chronomon dm said:
PLUS i fought phantom ganon as kid link and dont try it it takes forever it took a half an hour to beat him lol double the hits then adult ?_?

So it took you half an hour to beat Phantom Ganon and you finished the rest of the game in an hour and 40 minutes.

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Cool story bro.

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Marzy said:
What happens if your left-handed? that touchscreen stuff would be awkward for me.

Exactly what I thought, it would defeat the point of being able to put on the iron boots and whatnot on the fly.

Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
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chronomon dm said:
Dude id own anybody if ocarina of time was multiplayer lmao i beat the game from the beginning on N64 in 2 hours and collected all golden skullatas +all heart pieces and never died once

Video or it didn't happen Smilie
Like most people said that's impossible.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

I'd like to see all those extra features they mentioned, but I'm pretty sure we're getting the same game, just in 3DS, with a few simple touchscreen menu changes and some texture face-lifts.

Would be awesome to see some additional dungeons, Master Quest and other stuff, but I don't expect it. At all.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Aonuma has hinted upon changes, how big or small the changes are nobody can know at this stage. We should find out nearer to Christmas when the game along with the machine are likely to launch, in Japan.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

They will have to be big changes because I have enough OoT games lying about that I can play.

Include a new 4 swords multiplayer mode like they did with Link to the Past on the GBA and I might start getting excited for it though!

Just imagine the feeling you'd get starting the game up on the 3DS and hearing this on the title screen sequence.


Marzy said:
Just imagine the feeling you'd get starting the game up on the 3DS and hearing this on the title screen sequence.


Nah nah nah, I never liked that music.

It HAS to be this on the start up Some better Zelda musix

chronomon dm said:
Dude id own anybody if ocarina of time was multiplayer lmao i beat the game from the beginning on N64 in 2 hours and collected all golden skullatas +all heart pieces and never died once


chronomon dm said:
it doesnt i had a horse...


chronomon dm said:
to tell you the truth i did its very complicated so ill put it like this i ended the game with...

3 medalions shadow forest and water
saria's song and zelda's lullaby
all important items (ocarina of time and megaton hammer for example) all heart pieces/golden skullatas and all powerups from great fairy's including din nyuru and the courage one lol forgot name. PLUS i fought phantom ganon as kid link and dont try it it takes forever it took a half an hour to beat him lol double the hits then adult ?_?


360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

chronomon dm said:
to tell you the truth i did its very complicated so ill put it like this i ended the game with...

3 medalions shadow forest and water
saria's song and zelda's lullaby
all important items (ocarina of time and megaton hammer for example) all heart pieces/golden skullatas and all powerups from great fairy's including din nyuru and the courage one lol forgot name. PLUS i fought phantom ganon as kid link and dont try it it takes forever it took a half an hour to beat him lol double the hits then adult ?_?

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

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