This is sort of a project I took on, some old furniture I had needed serious replacement. It was water damaged, ugly and about 30 years old.

I have always hated this furniture, and because my family doesnt want it gone... Im stuck with it. So I made a deal with my family. I wanted it redone!
I did start it zelda style. Actually because Im expecting a f4f statue of wolf link and midna. Ive been a zelda fan for 19 years, so this is a dream come true (lol)
This dresser took 3 days to sand due to the damage and the type of wood. Its not smooth, its rough, and I standed it down to the point where you cant feel a bump.

I then started the design, spending 5 full days creating the twilight mirror by exact measurements.

This was completed today, (burning a finger in the process.)
As it stands now... Its been stained.

My family is impressed, and has given me permission to do another piece of furniture in the style. Please note, its far from done! The twilight symbol will be practically glowing when is done.
heres the plan, making use of metalic paints, no photoshop effect, in the sun, the triforce looks like its glowing

I spent time experimenting with 4 colors. In the end I tossed 2 to the side and kept a dark and light gold.

I wanted to put no solid gold lines, but it worked out nicer. Hope you all like this update

( Edited 03.12.2011 20:40 by onlykafei )