Everyone must know about Kim Jong Il's death by now. What do people make of North Korea? Found a video of the citizens 'grieving', which I've put below.
Maybe many of them are upset, I dunno. But there's no way in hell all of them are bawling their eyes out and moaning genuinely just because their leader died. These people are brain washed. I feel so sorry for them, just watching them like that. Forced to cry for fear they'll have their lives taken from them.
Was reading an article on the BBC site earlier. Something about one North Korean not feeling anything when their last leader died. If he was seen not crying, he'd have been killed. He held his eyelids open to force his eyes to burn up and water, then started moaning like everyone else. It's so horrible that these people are living under such terrible rule. Sheltered from the world outside of them. Brain washed and knowing little more than to love and worship their 'great leader' and living in a famine.
How the hell does the ruling work too? Kim Jong Il's son is just gonna take over now and carry on giving these innocent people a secluded, crap life? How is that fair? I wish the whole world could just see a peace where people have their freedom and can live how they want to. North Korea is the complete opposite of that belief. It's such a shame.