Pokémon X and Pokémon Y (3DS) - Official Thread

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Discuss Pokémon X and Y (Nintendo 3DS), news, the latest pictures and videos!

User Poll - Who will/did you pick as your starter?

Chespin is the way to go!
I'm gonna pick Fennekin!
I think I'll go with Froakie

justonesp00lturn said:
I actually give GameFreak a lot of credit. They're good at changing just enough to keep things fresh, and not changing so much that they lose really any of their fanbase.

This is actually why I think the environments in X and Y are so DS-like, similar to the way Ocarina 3D upped the graphics a little but not nearly as much as it could have. I don't think they want to go into full-blown 3D instantly, they's easing into it.

I agree. With an extremely popular franchise like it, it's a risky move to do drastic changes. Some fans may complain but in the end those are just a small part of the amount of people who are buying the games. I don't mind the approach they're taking because it makes sense from a business perspective, though I wish other studios were given the franchise for home consoles. Pokémon is a massive brand and even most spin-offs are on handhelds, so why not take advantage of its popularity on home consoles too? Just makes no sense to me.

Phoenom said:
Another thought. Digital or Retail people? I usually end up trading in my Pokemon games when a newer one comes out so it'l be physical for me. ^^

Retail for sure. Animal Crossing: New Leaf is really the only game I want in a digital format right now because I'll be playing that daily for a very, very long time, while I tend to play Pokémon a ton after it comes out and then slowly stop playing it when I achieved everything I wanted to.

SirLink said:
justonesp00lturn said:
I actually give GameFreak a lot of credit. They're good at changing just enough to keep things fresh, and not changing so much that they lose really any of their fanbase.

This is actually why I think the environments in X and Y are so DS-like, similar to the way Ocarina 3D upped the graphics a little but not nearly as much as it could have. I don't think they want to go into full-blown 3D instantly, they's easing into it.

I agree. With an extremely popular franchise like it, it's a risky move to do drastic changes. Some fans may complain but in the end those are just a small part of the amount of people who are buying the games. I don't mind the approach they're taking because it makes sense from a business perspective, though I wish other studios were given the franchise for home consoles. Pokémon is a massive brand and even most spin-offs are on handhelds, so why not take advantage of its popularity on home consoles too? Just makes no sense to me.

Know what makes sense to me? Pokemon Snap Wii U. At this point it's not even about why, it's about why not.

Also, Pokemon Puzzle League is a very underrated title.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

i also believe they might actually add some new types based on what i have heard so far.  i have a feeling that they might add sound and light types. my reason to believe that true is that in the trailer Xerneas has exaggerated lighting which makes me think he might be light type. also light type has been widely requested by fans for a long time. also i think Yveltal might be sound type because he his the only pokemon in the trailer to be accompanied by a noise. also there is a lot of possible background for a sound type pokemon. i hope this is true because pokemon is long awaiting a new type

Milesd1276 said:
i also believe they might actually add some new types based on what i have heard so far.  i have a feeling that they might add sound and light types. my reason to believe that true is that in the trailer Xerneas has exaggerated lighting which makes me think he might be light type. also light type has been widely requested by fans for a long time. also i think Yveltal might be sound type because he his the only pokemon in the trailer to be accompanied by a noise. also there is a lot of possible background for a sound type pokemon. i hope this is true because pokemon is long awaiting a new type

Hm, I never even thought about that. That sounds amazing, though.

I've been thinking new types might shake things up a bit too, but I'm not sure how likely that is.. if the engine and such is all from scratch now, then I suppose it would make sense to start balancing again too, I'm not gonna hold out hopes tho.

Also, good to see Chespin getting a foothold in the votes Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Also until i know more about the starters and their evolutions/second types i am going to go with Fenneking because from what i have seen in the trailer he looks like he might be fire-psychic WHICH WOULD BE AWESOME. but i also think Chespin might be really cool if he ends up being grass-dark.

Today i bought i 3DS mainly because i was planning to get POKEMON X AND Y.  Like A BOss 

Milesd1276 said:
Today i bought i 3DS mainly because i was planning to get POKEMON X AND Y.  Like A BOss

Well said sir! That'll probably be the same reason for a lot of new 3DS owners this year methinks.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I bought a 3DS when they were doing a deal with BW2 (I think it was 199.99 for both, I traded in my old DS Lite and cut £30~ off). I've yet to actually get any 3DS games as I knew they would release a Pokémon game for it as well as the upcoming Ace Attorney/ Layton game. Those two were enough to get me on board (to be honest, the reason I bought a GBA/ DS was for Pokémon). Fire Emblem just sweetens the deal.

I hadn't considered getting a digital copy until it was mentioned. I don't trade in my Pokémon games for years (I mean, I returned Ruby 3 times and bought Emerald but that doesn't count, right?). I like to trade my teams to each game, I have Pokémon all the way from Ruby on White. They would be on White 2, but I lost my White cartridge just before BW2 came out (it is driving me crazy).

I can't decide on a starter until more information is released, such as types and final evolution. Starters rarely make it into my final team, only Blaziken has had that honour, so it doesn't matter that much. That said, I don't think there has been a single game where I didn't pick the Water starter on my first play through.

I am currently playing through Emerald again as I left my 3DS XL at my house over Christmas (living at Uni accomidation). White 2 and FFA2 should provide me with ample enjoyment until Fire Emblem is out. I am sure I will find a way to live until XY are out. I should really check on when PW/ Layton is released in UK, even though I know it will upset me.

( Edited 21.01.2013 00:57 by Ultima )

Fennekin all the way. However, I will be mindful of if it does have a secondary type, I don't mind it being another fire/fighting type.

Will the game allow you to transfer Pokemon from other games?

I also hope the battle music is going to blow my mind, just like pokemon black 2 did (and still does!).

One thing's for sure...I be gettin' Pokemon X y'all!

Onwards, TO NOWHERE! Proud owner of Farming Simulator 2013.
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^ To be fair on Iwata, GameFreak are a third party so it ain't really his call what they do with Pokémon.

(also try saying "strategy free" when you play Pokémon competitively or BW2 in hard mode/BW2's battle modes. There are entire Pokémon communities purposed with calculating metagame in Pokémon like Smogon. Not to mention that Pokémon is an RPG for young kids, making the main games strategy heavy would really turn its main demographic off which is why they emphasise it more in the games' extra features)

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Call of Duty.

Yeah I dissent at "strategy free". I think if you asked most game developers they'd agree that pokemon is the daddy of accessible yet deep.

It was (and still is) an incredibly elegant and very innovative game design especially after they brought in the dual types which really opened it up. 

It's really textbook stuff pokemon now, not because it's derivative but because it was unique and derivative games definately have their roots in it and not the other way around.

Really, pokemon neatly sidesteps many of the traditional flaws inherent in RPG design. It's a revolutionary improvement to the traditional RPG design.

Really if you (comic strip writer) know how to turn the traditional RPG design into a multiplayer game in a manner more intuitive and effective and balanced than pokemon then colour me impressed.

I could write a dissertation on how efficient and elegant a design pokemon is. If I was to be allowed to make my two games then both (one sci fi, one fantasy, console AAA adventure games) would probably have to nod their heads at pokemon as one of, if not their most significant influence.

But as I say it would take a lot of words.

I think it's safe to say that if you think pokemon lacks strategy then you either haven't played it or you're a moron. (not directed at anyone apart from perhaps the author of that comic strip).

Also that insanity quote, as I'm sure everyone knows, is an einstein quote although it isn't credited as such. It has, of course, little to do with insanity and is more to do with the philosophy of science. It's totally out of context there as it is in far cry 3 and just pointless.

And it's all over the internet because of fucking atheists and their retarded attempts at brain cells. ALL OVER THE INTERNET I HEAR IT ALL THE TIME AND IS USED IN A MANNER THAT CALLS TO MIND ONLY VACUUMS. ONLY A VACUUM. LIKE A HUMAN HEAD AND INSIDE A FUCKING VACUUM.

Ask me for a good quote next time and I'll supply you with a william godwin quote or something like that and it's good when quotes are actually relevant and have some meaning.

God I could go on for hours about how much I hate the kind of retard that vomits out that einstein quote as if they understand what it means....

It's just awful. Just awful. Athiests just like to pretend they're as clever as scientists because they have the internet.

It's not like you have to do a degree in chemistry to be good at science. Oh no, just call yourself an atheist, spout a load of islamophobia and misuse einstein quotes without even giving attribution.

As if it was you ubisoft, as if you are now einstein fuck I hate atheists. I have about enough tolerance of them and their views to grit my teeth and endure watching them get gassed.

Edit: before you say it no, of course I haven't played far cry 3 what do think I am a casual gamer?

( Edited 29.01.2013 15:19 by KingDom )

2509 2156 5486

As much as I agree with your points on Pokémon, the digressional and judgemental rant wasn't really necessary was it? There are many kinds of people here on C3 so I'm sure they'd appreciate if you didn't generalise, there may be "idiotic" atheists here and there but there are people you could call "idiotic" from each and every walk of life. Let's not generalise please and let's not ignorantly assume that every Ubisoft employee involved with Far Cry 3 is an atheist either. Not to mention there's absolutely no inherent connection between using Einstein quotes incorrectly and being an 'atheist', let's keep the discussion respectful and more importantly on Pokémon. Smilie

If you feel the need to discuss this further you can create a thread or take it to PM. (If you choose to make a thread please be respectful and avoid making widely offensive generalisations.)

Anyway, back on topic.
When a game formula works and is popular, there's the old "if it's broke don't fix it" argument which obviously applies to Pokémon and other popular formulas like CoD. This is unfortunate for some fans, but I have hopes that Gen6 will bring about the sorts of things a lot of fans have wanted for a while, including customisable Trainers.

( Edited 29.01.2013 15:51 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Sorry, you're absolutely right, I'm a crusty old fart (at 26) don't listen to me. Sorry again.

Is worth making clear that none of that was directed at anyone here I'm just continually infuriated by the constant misuse of that quote and how it's everywhere and noone seems to have a clue what it even means.

The comic strip isn't even at fault it's fine and quite amusing seeing as it's correctly quoting the far cry 3 game. It's just I'd heard it was a good game so it's disappointing to find out it's so retarded.

You're right though I will try to control my loins in future. Sorry.

EDIT: on topic pokemon is really quite the elegantly designed game and hugely strategically deep. Few games come close including lol far cry 3.

If anyones got a design for a multiplayer RPG (turn based not wow) which is neater, more efficient and through effective balancing gives the player more choice strategically and allows the player to customise their strategy to reflect their personal playstyle while also being (seemingly) simple and intuitive enough to actually be fun not just for adult but for young children too.

Then please tell me I'd love to hear it. As far as I can see Gengar used confuse ray.

Due to his opponents lack of strategic intelligence it was super effective but shame about the poison subtype eh?

A shame. Do love gengar. I'll stop now.

EDIT2: superlink, is game freak really third party and not second party? I know nintendo owns the pokemon company who I guess might own the IP. Just that its news to me game freak were third party. Bit of a shock. Surely nintendo has a stake in the company, wasn't the dude (forgot his name) an ex nintendo employee or something. Surely they have a way to ensure exclusivity. Correct me if I'm wrong but I always thought they were second party.

( Edited 29.01.2013 16:18 by KingDom )

2509 2156 5486

Torn between Chespin and Fennekin, but I shall have to wait and see what the final evo's look like before decision time.


KingDom said:
superlink, is game freak really third party and not second party? I know nintendo owns the pokemon company who I guess might own the IP. Just that its news to me game freak were third party. Bit of a shock. Surely nintendo has a stake in the company, wasn't the dude (forgot his name) an ex nintendo employee or something. Surely they have a way to ensure exclusivity. Correct me if I'm wrong but I always thought they were second party.

Nintendo owns the Pokémon Company and the rights to the Pokémon series, for example if GameFreak decided to make a game for another system, it couldn't be a Pokémon one.

There's a thin line between second/third party and GF could really be classified as either, a second party is just a third party who chooses to remain close to a particular developer. I'm not sure how much say Nintendo has in GameFreak's developments but sometimes it doesn't seem like much; I'd really like to find out more about their relationship cause it's been confusing me for a while now. But yes, if GameFreak chose to make a game for another company, they could.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

So I'm still watching the Pokémon anime and just reached Season 9, Battle Frontier. Seeing the Pokédex in the anime actually made me think of a cool idea I'd love to see in X/Y. Imagine if you could actually use your Pokédex in battle if you so wish and it'll give you a short spoken bio on your current opponent including its type, much like in the anime. I'd be all over that...even though I'd immediately find out that I'm pronouncing 90% of the Pokémon names wrong. Smilie

New Eeveelution was just revealed with a scan in the CoroCoro magazine! Its Japanese name is Ninfia, type is still unknown. Fun fact about that, every Eeveelution had a special type so far, types that did special damage prior to the physical/special split in Gen 4 and the only remaining type is Dragon. It doesn't look like it's Dragon, I'd guess either Normal with much better stats than Eevee or possibly a new type which would be pretty awesome. Light, perhaps? Either way, it looks really damn cute and most likely another awesome addition to my favourite evolution family. Smilie

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( Edited 12.02.2013 10:12 by SirLink )

New Eeveelution = Sylveon.


EDIT: The new move sounds are badass!

( Edited 14.02.2013 14:08 by Amethyst )


Someone on reddit pointed out that in mythology, a Sylph is an air elemental/fairy usually depicted as a feminine form with thin limbs and large, shiny eyes.

Edit: also from reddit, it's German name is apparently "Feelinara", and "fee" means "fairy".

( Edited 14.02.2013 15:43 by justonesp00lturn )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

Flying type seems most likely now but the fact that they're being really secretive about it still makes me believe it might be a new type. I hope it's more offensive than defensive because I'd like to use one on my team just based on looks and its German name for now.

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Slightly meaningless bump, just wanted to ask if anyone remembered when I imported Heart Gold from Japan a few years back?

Well, I'm going to take another crack at it again. The language barrier was a de-motivator but I want to keep my 'completed every gen including remakes' record going. Smilie

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