Drew has been gaming since he was 2 years old, starting on the Amstrad CPC464 with such classics as Dizzy the Egg. Turning his passion into his life he studied Game Design at University and ran a Game Development Society. He then sold out to the man and ended up working as a Software Engineer for the government instead of making games. To make up for this he neglects his friends, child, and wife to play games for most of his waking hours.
A Japanophile with a passion for gaming that has never diminished, whether it be throwing hundreds of thousands of yen into the arcades of Sega and Taito in Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Akihabara. Sitting at home on the PS5 with franchises like Yakuza. Playing Minecraft and The Crew 2 with his son. Tearing through Nintendo's latest release on the Switch anytime he gets a break, or Mobile gaming on the commute. Gaming has always, and will always be a key part of his life.