Phoenix Wright Figures Grace TGS

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.10.2008 6

A trio of Phoenix Wright action figures were on display at this year's Tokyo Games Show.

Featuring Phoenix Wright himself, rival prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, Ema Skye and Trucy Wright in some heavy articulated ball-joint glory - the set was shown during the show in some adorable trademark poses:

Image for Phoenix Wright Figures Grace TGS

Image for Phoenix Wright Figures Grace TGS

Image for Phoenix Wright Figures Grace TGS

Image for Phoenix Wright Figures Grace TGS

Thanks to Kotaku.

Box art for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney








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Pssst - Jeebs! Four\'s not a trio. It\'s a... quad... o.

I\'d definitely spend money on this if I didn\'t have other more pressing things to spend it on like food and shelter. And Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts pre-orders that come with one free download of the original Banjo-Kazooie over X-Box Live Arcade (at participating retail outlets).

Anybody know anywhere that\'s selling the original Phoenix Wright cheap? I think my mum might enjoy it.

( Edited 22.10.2008 00:09 by dartmonkey )

Less posty, more gamey.

I hope these figures are dirt cheap, because they look bloody terrible.
Ugly exposed joints (not even color-matched!), inaccurate face designs and non-transparent stands. Wow.

These guys really need to take a lesson from Kaiyodo and Max Factory. As much as I love PW, there's no way I will add these to my collection.

Meh, good enough Smilie

I'd love some Hotel Dusk figures... hmmmm mmm!

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boganbusman said:
I hope these figures are dirt cheap, because they look bloody terrible.
Ugly exposed joints (not even color-matched!), inaccurate face designs and non-transparent stands. Wow.

These guys really need to take a lesson from Kaiyodo and Max Factory. As much as I love PW, there's no way I will add these to my collection.

To be fair though I think they're nearly lifesized.

I do think that Phoenix and Edgeworth's camp faces don't help the already slightly girly image of the series. Smilie

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The other set of PW figures were much nicer than these. Didn't have Trucy though, which looks the best out of this lot.

Where does it say they're nearly life-sized?

And yes please to some Hotel Dusk figures.

Kangaroo_Kid said:
Where does it say they're nearly life-sized?

Nevermind, I saw a photo of them on another site and they looked a lot bigger, but I just looked at it the wrong way. Smilie

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