Nintendo Having Problems with Commodore-64 Emulator?

By Adam Riley 28.10.2008 10

An interesting comparison video has appeared on YouTube showing some serious problems with Nintendo's Commodore-64 emulator.

The recently released Mayhem in Monsterland can be seen below in its original Commodore-64 format, followed by what is definitely a very problematic Virtual Console edition. Watch the clip below to see just how stark the difference is:

Have any readers come across problems with the Commodore-64 games they have downloaded so far? And do you feel that Nintendo should sort this problem out in order to ensure gamers are not wasting their money?

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I skipped back and forth a few times to see the differences and I'm not exactly sure what the problem is. In my opinion, the Virtual Console version looks a lot better than the original. Is that the issue?

Note: I had to watch the video muted, so I can't comment on audio.

The brightness seems to be higher, but that could just be his Wii settings...

But the music really is messed up. Nintendo should consider updating the C64 emulator.

The emulator version did sound a bit crappy.

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well, the sound is a little messed up, but colors look brighter and i don't think its a bad thing, but maybe its not the emulator that its broken but the game adaptation,the game looks crappy anyway.

Well it's not as bad as the title suggested. I've seen a few bugs on Sonic for VC that I don't remember on the Mega Drive but they're so small it's not worth mentioning.

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If you have checked from time to time on the wii shop channel the VC titles you downloaded, Nintendo sometimes updates titles which have bugs.

Hopefully they'll do the same with this one, but the fault is not on Nintendo, but the guy behind the C64 emulator : Chris at Alten8. Read more about VC C64 on VC Reviews

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

The music is totally screwed.

WOW, that sounds and looks HORRIBLE! How can they even release something as supahcrapzorz as this, geeeeezzz..

No, that was not sarcasm, and neither is this.*cough*

The music sounds different, but really, I was expecting a lot worse. Highly exaggerated.
IMO, the graphics look better like that, but the brightness might not fit the actual atmosphere of the game, so that could be perceived as a problem..

Still think it's not thàt big of a deal^^.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Buggered music is a huge differance imo.

When people pay to download a game, they expect what they remembered.
I mean, would sonic be the same without the greenhill zone music?

While this game I never played, so never got used to the music, if it was something I played on my Commadore Plus/4 I'd be rather annoyed. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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summary: The Music is totally screwed, the SFX are wrong. Colours are too strong at the beginning (it's a sad land, remember?!). The game feels right on C64 in the video, but seems to be badly done on VC, so it doesn't do the game any justice to buy it on VC. A real shame!

I hope they fix that, too.
What bugs are there on other games on VC? I want to know. Is there a summary somewhere?
And by the way: Nebulus is a pain without the unlimited-life-trainer! *cough*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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