New Casing for DSi Specific Retail Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.09.2009 12

New Casing for DSi Specific Retail Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sources have leaked plans to launch Nintendo DSi-specific retail games in different casing to stand out from regular software.

There are already a handful of games that have specific DSi features but also work on regular DS models, however DSi-exclusive games are set to release this fall. In order to keep confusion and the need to make returns at a minimum, Kotaku reports that the specific titles will be boxed in all-white cases to stand out over the dark-grey (US) boxes.

There'll also be a warning sticker to warn consumers that they'll only be able to play these games on the DSi. Game cards will use a similar colour swap, but it's unlikely that there'll be other physical differences to make it fit into a DSi slot specifically.

What do you think of the move - should there be exclusive DSi games out there? Is the colour swap and sticker action appropriate or should more be done?

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I hate this idea, of alienating previous DS owners in the same gen, and making them pay for an expensive upgrade without a GBA slot or else they miss out on a lot of new games...

But atleast my brother has a DSi so I personally won't be missing out. I still really resent it though.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

The GBA slot, in my opinion, was just insurance.
It's the same with how they kept GB/GBC games working on GBA.
It had to go eventually and this was the right step.
The original DS was released during the Gamecube's lifetime and Nintendo had to keep those people with GBA games that worked on it around [aka, the Pokemon fans, for the most part]

Basically, either people move with the times or get a GBA.
And for Pokemon fans, just transfer all the Pokemon and upgrade.

This is so dumb. Isn't it due time for an entirely new handheld anyways?

Conduit FC: 0431-6660-0908

Damn...more marketing ploys...

So does this mean they'll be discontinuing production of regular DS games? I sure hope not.Smilie

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

I do not hate this idea. I think its a good move on Nintendo's part. We were due for a new system really, but the DS brand is too strong. With these cards, the system can start transitioning forward. Better networking, cameras, more powerful processors. It's the right step. And I'm someone who hasn't (and won't) upgrade for the foreseeable future.

In fact, if the development community really embraces the new features of the DSi with games that do more with the SD card, more with the cameras, more with the better Wifi, and faster processors, I'd embrace the system all the sooner.

Don't act like you didn't know it was coming. Most of you even wanted DSi exclusive games. Didn't you say "what's the point?" Well, here is the point.

The DSi does have better hardware (more ram and such) so I would personally like to see new DSi only games that make use of that, but I imagine most DSi only games will just use the camera in some pointless way -.-

Hey, it doesn't make sense not to release DSi-only games. I like this idea.

But with the casing, what's the fuss? In US you seem to have grey ones (never saw one myself), Japan has black ones and Europe has semi-transparent ones. So it's not important how DSi games are packed. It's the sticker that counts. *g*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I think it's good news. The DSi is said to be more powerful. In a way, this could be the DS2. We haven't really seen what the DSi is capable of so I think we should wait on that first. Think of this as a new handheld launch. Hopefully the new games reflect that.

The problem is, I think the jump in power isn't enough to justify releasing exclusive games for it, unlike most "next gen" consoles....

If Nintendo wanted to release a new handheld, they should have just done it. I wouldn't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is game that will only work on a system with hardly any difference to its predecessors.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

They need to show off what the extra power can do. If Nintendo plan on sticking with the DS for another 4-5 years, then this could be their way of keeping it alive for that long?

Ofcause there should be exclusive DSi-games - Otherwise I see no point in buying a DSi. You know ... There\'s no reason to buy a Wii, if the only way you want to use it, is to play GameCube-games.

At this moment I have no DSi. But if some exclusive games are announced, then I will buy one. Probably a black or pink version lol. Smilie

( Edited 01.09.2009 17:51 by iSuicide )

English isn't my main-language, so I will possibly make some grammatical failures sometimes. But shit happends.

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