Resident Evil 5 Still Not Coming to Wii

By Adam Riley 27.09.2009 27

Resident Evil 5 Still Not Coming to Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After many months of 'Will they, won't they', Capcom has once again said no to RE5 on Wii. However, as usual, it was not a flat-out denial, more a flimsy 'nothing planned yet', which always leads to speculation that it is coming at some point, but the company does not want to impact on sales of the impending release of Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. It would seem most logical for RE5 to end up on Wii given how Capcom is eager for the series to reach a far wider audience than ever before, and considering how motion control has already been shown off for the PS3 edition, surely a Wii version cannot be too unrealistic. However, Producer Jun Takeuchi has said that "with the difference between hardware specs for the Wii and the PS3, porting might be hard. We currently have no plans."

As for all those who complained Resident Evil 5 was veering too far away from the traditional survival horror slant, instead choosing to become more of an action-based franchise, he said "I think, while Resident Evil 4 is a great game, its appeal was limited somewhat to maniac players. With RE5, I wanted to bring the series to a larger audience. I think its important to do the same for the next RE."

Are you one of those 'maniac' players that preferred RE4's style, or is RE5 the way forward and do you want RE5 on Wii or a completely new entry?

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I think Capcom were wavering on the decision of a Wii version because of motion controls.

Now that RE5: Alternative Edition has been revealed with the PSTripleWand, I really don't think it'll ever come to Wii. There's 0 reason for it to, other than free money, which Capcom are getting through "dlc" anyway

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I'm not sure if I want it on the Wii. They would have to rebuild everything for the RE4 engine and compatibility check it, so they might as well make an entirely new game for the Wii.

I don't care seeing i find it not a great game, however it ends in 5 and i got 0-4 for gamecube/wii and would love the resident evil franchise to continue on nintendo consoles, even if it means for RE5 to come out on "wii2".

Not overly fussed, however if capcom are gonna rerelease something for wii, let us see "Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil - Outbreak Files 1&2" with wifi multiplayer.

If we do get it, it'll be in the form of a Darkside Chronicles sequel.

After playing RE5, I was not that impressed at all, the Co-Op feature was rubbish and it had too many glitches. I think Capcom should just stick to bringing out RE Wii games.

I'm not sure if I want it on the Wii. They would have to rebuild everything for the RE4 engine and compatibility check it, so they might as well make an entirely new game for the Wii.

Re5 engine is just an upgraded Re4 engine.
Its just assets that need to be changed, nothing gameplay wise.
A few effects to comment out in the code too, no dought.

Porting Re5 would probably be about 1/10th the development manhours then a new game, put it that way.

"I think, while Resident Evil 4 is a great game, its appeal was limited somewhat to maniac players. With RE5, I wanted to bring the series to a larger audience. I think its important to do the same for the next RE."

You try to appeal to everyone, you end up with no one.
Re4 has sold very well on the Wii, despite being a port. In fact, its sold a lot better then it did on the Cube. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:

You try to appeal to everyone, you end up with no one.
Re4 has sold very well on the Wii, despite being a port. In fact, its sold a lot better then it did on the Cube.

Isnt appealing to everyone nintendo's main motto this generation. It has worked for them sales wise, although I feel its greatly compromised their release schedule and the type of games they are choosing to put out.

As for RE5 I cant see the coop player being ported over well. Her AI is reported to be a bit glitchy on the other consoles. Porting to a machine less capable will be a task in itself.

Still, I would Rather see this ported then see the wii just focus on on-rail shooters or bare ports (archives) of games that use digital movement and pre rendered backgrounds.

Isnt appealing to everyone nintendo's main motto this generation.

Not in the same game at the same time!

You dont have Metroid Trillogy: Sports and Go-Kart Keep-Fit Edition. or Another Mario Galaxy Code.

Nintendo has a very broad catalog of games.
They dont dilute their main games to try to capture more and more "mainstream" audience.
Which is what Capcom seems to be saying here.

TV often has the same problem these days. Trying to get everyone all at once, rather then different things for those with different tastes. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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@ Darkflame

Resident Evil 5 is not using an updated version of the RE4 engine. I guess you've never heard of Capcom's proprietory MT FrameWork engine? In fact the engine roots use legacy code from one of Capcom's PS2 games.

Does anyone need that shit on Wii?

I want this game on Wii!

I loved Resident Evil 4, but I will not buy another RE game unless 5 comes to Wii. (I suppose I would settle for RE6).

It'd be a terrible port due to the limitations of the console. Sorry, but it would. They're making RE games built around the Wii's capabilities (On the rails) yes, they suck, but you can't expect them to do drastic cuts and edits to even make it run on the Wii.

Then again, it will get them a shit ton of money, and we all know how capcom like money.. (Multiplayer scam much?)

Aki-T spilt the water.

Sonic_13, RE 5 is like 10000000 times worse than RE 4, which is one of the best games of past generation. No atmosphere, useless co - op, bad game balance, cover system...

maeda said:
Sonic_13, RE 5 is like 10000000 times worse than RE 4, which is one of the best games of past generation. No atmosphere, useless co - op, bad game balance, cover system...

What an exaggeration.

Re5 is still a solid game. Is it as good as Re4? No. That doesen't make it a bad game. The Co-op is a laugh, its not great, but its fun, and its not like you lose anything from it. Don't like it? Don't play the co-op, its not like its forced upon you. If a different developer made this and it was released under a different name, it'd be considered a solid game. Its just followed the same path as Re4 did. Just taken a step further where the developers wanted it too.

Aki-T spilt the water.

I don't get why their are people saying Re5 co-op was rubbish, it was what made the game fun and made it possible to get through professional without dying like 30 times >.>
Mercenaries is also very fun if your playing with a mate so the co-op isn't really bad.

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People didn't mind the co-op, it's when you're playing solo and the female character is controlled by the AI. That's what people hated. The AI was crap.

For the game to work on Wii, they would have to scrap co-op altogether.

All technical and mechanical aspects aside, RE5 sucked because the story fucking sucked. We got what, 8 hours of game that consisted of a poorly-veiled ripoff of Resident Evil 4, hiding behind the poorest excuse for a plot twist in video game history (did anyone really NOT know who Wesker's aid was the second she appeared on screen? My friend knew, and 5 is the first RE game he's ever played.)
Resident Evil 5 tried way too hard to be the older games, and lost any chance it had of being anything new.
Then Mercenaries sucks, with a whopping four characters to choose from.
RE5 was an all right game at best. I almost have higher hopes for a Wii version, since they would likely beef it up with extra stuff. I'd like a Separate-Ways type of deal, some kind of bonus sidestory or something to make the game worth putting on the Wii.
To the guy who said to put Outbreak on Wii: No kidding, right? That game was practically MADE for Nintendo's WFC. I'm not too sure how they would make the controls work, though.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Mercenaries sucked? It was clearly better then the RE4 mercenaries and that was pretty fun as well.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

RE5 was a big disappointment and I could care less if it comes to the wii. I love Resident Evil but I just this wasn\'t what I wanted. Oh and making people pay for a joke that is multiplayer, pretty lame Capcom.

( Edited 28.09.2009 14:14 by JustJoe )

It\'d be a terrible port due to the limitations of the console. Sorry, but it would.

It would be graphically worse.
Thats it.

If I was wrong about it being based of the Re4 engine, then fair enough. But it still didnt do anything, gameplay wise, that Re4 didnt demonstrate that the Gamecube (and Ps2) could do just fine.

A game dosnt become terrible by merely having major graphical cutbacks. As long as the controlls can be decent, the framerate good, and the gameplay intact, I dont see any problem.

In many ways the game might be better running of the Re4 codebase anyway. Re4 had nicer inventory management for instance. (of course though, if its a complete different engine, the scripting might be different).

( Edited 28.09.2009 16:46 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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"A game dosnt become terrible by merely having major graphical cutbacks."

You've never played Splinter Cell Chaos Theory on both Xbox and PS2 then. Hardware limitations were a factor here. Xbox/PC versions had the levels as one whole area and there were multiple routes in order to sneak past/through/around guards.
The PS2's cutbacks forced the player to wait for the guy to go past or kill him. Plus the levels were broken into parts which brought loading screens with it, these can also be considered as graphical changes as they both certainly looked different. So yes hardware does affect gameplay.

RE5 Mercenaries kind of let me down, mostly due to lack of characters. In 4, it was special. You could play as Ada, as Krauser, as Wesker, as Hunk. In 5, you can play as... the same people you just played through the entire game as. Big whoop.

As for graphical limitations... I don't think it would have a major impact. People are citing other games, but I don't really think that's accurate. RE5 is based off of RE4, a game designed for a Nintendo system. The graphics would take a hit, but I highly doubt the game would look horrible. RE4 still looks better than a lot of today's games, and that was on the cube, which isn't as powerful as the Wii. The differences would mostly or entirely be in textures. The best example I can think of, is the waxy leaves on plants would be less shiny. If Capcom put the time into it, they could make a decent RE5 for GAMECUBE, if they wanted to. A lot of people are also forgetting about the size of the game itself. My first playthrough of RE4 was 22 hours. RE5? About seven and a half. RE4 was, in essence, a much bigger game than 5. 5 just looks better, that's about the extent of complexity difference.

NNID: crackedthesky
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I wish Martin or Knighty read that drivel, I can't be arsed to refute what you just said.

Simez said:
I wish Martin or Knighty read that drivel, I can't be arsed to refute what you just said.

If you're referring to me, I'll let you know, I tend to exaggerate a lot. My point is that they could bring Resident Evil 5 down to the graphical level of Resident Evil 4, and it would work fine on the Wii and it wouldn't look half bad. It wouldn't look like its counterpart, but I really could care less.

NNID: crackedthesky
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RE5 = dog shit

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