DSi-Only Monster Finder Shows Off Box

By Shane Jury 01.10.2009 14

DSi-Only Monster Finder Shows Off Box on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Not much is known about Monster Finder as a game at the moment, except that it will involve finding a multitude of critters through your DSi's Camera, and that it seems to be Japan-only at the moment.

Monster Finder's box bears a strong resemblance to regular DS ones, except with the DSi's logo in place of the original, and a banner along the bottom with clear red text stating the game won't work on DS Phat and Lite.

Image for DSi-Only Monster Finder Shows Off Box

Would this be enough to stop older DS-owners mistakingly buying this game?


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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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I have a feeling that this will cause some confusion. I definetly think they should try to make it a bit clearer, just to make sure.

Maybe they could put a red bar at the top saying \"DSi Only\" in bold text.

( Edited 01.10.2009 21:23 by Marzy )

Yep, Marzy you are definatley right here. Some indication would help people in the right direction before purchasing the game thats for DSi only.

I agree. People are stupid. Two indicators is not enough. Even three is iffy. They need a speech bubble coming from one of the characters saying that this game will not work with a DS, DSlite, Wii, Gamecube, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2, Gameboy Color, Nokia NGage or Atari 7800.

( Edited 01.10.2009 23:44 by PMD )

Maybe the box shouldn't have any artwork and just say this game is for DSi only in bold capital letters.

But to be serious, i think there's more than enought indication, judging from that box that the game won't work with the Ds/lite.

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It says the game won't work with DS/DS Lite on the bottom of the box in red. It also says DSi 3 times on the box, I think that's enough indication.

There are people who gets confused about Blu-Ray discs and DVD discs. Unless they make a big enough change people will get confused about the DSi and DS boxes

While it does say on the box that it won\'t work on the original DS and Lite, I don\'t think it\'s apparent enough to casual gamers and parents buying games for their kids.

People will immediately see the \"Nintendo DS\" logo on the left side of the box, but they may not notice the little \"i\" next to it.

I think perhaps DSi boxes should be in a different coloured case. A stand out colour. Aren\'t the DS boxes black in Japan? Then they should make them white or something. Perhaps also make the front cover bordered, like they do on Platinum PS2 games, with the main cover inside the border. Then on the border they can clearly put that this game only works on the DSi more noticeably.

I believe it does say something like \"DSi only\" on the box twice, but I just don\'t think the likes of some parents will notice this so much. They need to make them think, \"Wait, does my kid have a DS or a DSi?\".

Sure, it probably serves some people right if they are ignorant and just pick up anything with DS on it and expect it to work on their non-DSi. It will happen for sure. But I guess this is the risk Nintendo took when they decided to make DSi-only games.

( Edited 02.10.2009 15:57 by Crocomire )

Remember this is for the Japanese not the American's - I think it will be fine. I'm sure for US and Europe we will see a BIG difference.

Just put a red "Only for DSi" triangle on the right corner as was done (in white and colors) for Gameboy Color exclusive games.

Can't wait for DSi exclusive games that use the Cameras and the extra power under the hood...

I wonder since DSi is equivalent to the Gameboy Color (GBC), in a since on how they have little difference to their predecessors, I wonder if we might see a jump like GBC to Gameboy Advance (GBA). I was also thinking that it might be a good idea as well, like someone said, that it's nice to see exclusive games to take advantage of the extra power.

It had to start at some point.
Wonder how many DSi exclusives will there be.

radorn said:
Wonder how many DSi exclusives will there be.

My guess?... 7

( Edited 03.10.2009 11:53 by wAyNe - sTaRT )

Regardless of the warnings, I still can see this possibly being mistaken as a regular DS game - perhaps they should have switched the white to a black, or something. Good enough warning with the red text, but do see how it might cause confusion with the slightly thicker customer!

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AyeRoflol (guest) 19.10.2009#14

I guess that means stores wont be allowed to cover it

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