E310 Media | Golden Sun's Dark Dawn on DS

By Shane Jury 21.06.2010 16

E310 Media | Golden Sun

Not seen since last year's E3 presentation, and presumed to have been moved over to the 3DS as a launch title, the newest instalment of the Golden Sun franchise, still for the current DS, received trailer time this E3, and with it an official subtitle; Dark Dawn.

Dark Dawn will feature descendants of the original protagonists in Golden Sun and The Lost Age, as they battle a new menace. Psynergy abilities makes a return, as players with stylus in hand can operate the character's powers to solve puzzles and obstacles via Touch Screen.

Dark Dawn is slated for a release worldwide by the end of this year. Be sure to stick with C3 for media updates.

Box art for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn





Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (3 Votes)

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What else needs to be said, really?

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It's going to be a good year Smilie

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I'm so fucking happy about this, and I'm so happy that it wasn't cancelled! I was really worried about it...

Anyway I found some new info hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng!
Dark Dawn is set 30 years after the final events of The Lost Age, and the new protagonists are the direct descendants of the previous games'
I hope we get some shipping and returning faces Smilie I'll be sad if the old characters don't appear at all...

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From the trailer and art work, there seems to be only 3 main characters in the party this time which is a shame. Probably a limitation brought on by the DS hardware. Which makes me wonder, will there still be 4 types of Djinns? In the past 2 games, each character kinda represented a djinn.

Wish this was a 3DS game instead as I don't think the DS graphics do it any justice after the first 2 games looked spectacular on the GBA. With it being a DS game, I hope they let you transfer data from the second game like they did with the first though with the lack of a GBA slot on the DSi, Nintendo probably want to avoid all possible GBA features.

1 last thing, I hope the battles are fixed slightly, and by that I mean when an enemy dies before one character gets the chance to attack him, don't have the character defend, instead make him attack the next enemy.

Ifrit XXII said:
From the trailer and art work, there seems to be only 3 main characters in the party this time which is a shame. Probably a limitation brought on by the DS hardware. Which makes me wonder, will there still be 4 types of Djinns? In the past 2 games, each character kinda represented a djinn.

I don't think we can assume there are only 3 characters, we barely know much about the game yet. We had art of Jenna and there was a lot of promotional screenshots featuring her, yet her role as a playable character in the first GS was very minimal.

So yes, don't jump to any conclusions Smilie

EDIT: One of the screenshots shows 4 characters (Terrell, ???, Karis, Matthew) with their battle models rather than overworld models:

Image for

Matthew definitely seems like Isaac's son. He even has a surprisingly normal name, like Isaac and his own father.
I really hope Matthew and Karis are siblings, because I ship IsaacxMia. Smilie

EDIT2: On second thought that might not be Terrell. He looks kinda different from the official artwork and other screenshots of him. Maybe possibly Garet? That would be sweet.

Wish this was a 3DS game instead as I don't think the DS graphics do it any justice after the first 2 games looked spectacular on the GBA. With it being a DS game, I hope they let you transfer data from the second game like they did with the first though with the lack of a GBA slot on the DSi, Nintendo probably want to avoid all possible GBA features.

I'm hoping that one of the reasons that development is still on DS is so that the GBA link is possible. I'll be kinda disappointed if DSi is the reason it's not included. :/

1 last thing, I hope the battles are fixed slightly, and by that I mean when an enemy dies before one character gets the chance to attack him, don't have the character defend, instead make him attack the next enemy.

I'm not sure about this, it's probably intentional, to make you plan out your turns a little more (and it certainly helped me plan). Lots of RPGs do similar things.

( Edited 20.06.2010 19:59 by SuperLink )

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I want this !!!!

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Did The Lost Age give a code at the end? maybe we could just enter that manually.

Wish this was a 3DS game instead as I don't think the DS graphics do it any justice after the first 2 games looked spectacular on the GBA.

Given the DS is a huge leap up from the GBA, I dont see how a bigger leap will help maters there.

The problem is the 2D graphics rocked with the OTT partical effects.
Imho, they should have kept it mostly 2D for battles.
3D characters, but keep the camera angle like the gba ones so they could use incredible 2d effects rather then "ok" 3d ones.

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In all likelihood Dark Dawn is the beginning of a "new arc/saga"

So we could well be seeing GS4 on the 3DS, maybe next time we won't have to wait half a decade for it.

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Darkflame said:
Given the DS is a huge leap up from the GBA, I dont see how a bigger leap will help maters there.

They're going for a 3D game so why not use a system that can do 3D better? As you said, the GBA was able to do some amazing things for the 2D games but the DS just can't do 3D as well as a game like Golden Sun deserves.

With the 3DS, the battles could look great just like the first two games but by going 3D on the DS, they have to settle with 'nice but nothing too great'.

Did The Lost Age give a code at the end? maybe we could just enter that manually.

I had forgotten that the code could be entered manually. That brings my hopes up a little. Smilie

SuperLink said:
I'm not sure about this, it's probably intentional, to make you plan out your turns a little more (and it certainly helped me plan). Lots of RPGs do similar things.

Not a good enough excuse. Smilie It needs to go or at least be an option. Kinda like the Final Fantasy games giving you the option to have the battles set to 'wait' or 'active' when scrolling through attack menus. Smilie

I guess I should just be happy we are even getting another Golden Sun and even with my thoughts on the DS, it'll still look fantastic. Smilie And yeah SL, let's hope there is a Golden Sun 4. Smilie

( Edited 20.06.2010 21:35 by Ifrit XXII )

I'm personally ecstatic that it's still on DS. I know I've had this debate before, but Camelot are a small company, and if this was a 3DS title we could be waiting an additional 2-3 years for development to start from scratch for that instead.

I'd rather Camelot finish Dark Dawn, give the DS one final amazing game, and then think about how they can expand the series even further on the 3DS, taking on board what they learnt from the last 3 games.

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SuperLink said:
I'm personally ecstatic that it's still on DS. I know I've had this debate before, but Camelot are a small company, and if this was a 3DS title we could be waiting an additional 2-3 years for development to start from scratch for that instead.

I guess you're right. Having this continue as a DS game simply means getting the fourth game sooner. Smilie

Simply cannot wait. I LOVE Golden Sun and its about time the 3rd game came out.

Bobby (guest) 21.06.2010#14

I always called Garet Gareth, because if it was 6 letters instead of 5 life everyone elses it would surely be Gareth. Cant wait for this game either its got quite a massive fanbase for a game that came out on the GBA 9 years ago. They were 2 of the best games ive ever played i hope this lives upto the two before.

Bobby (guest) said:
I always called Garet Gareth, because if it was 6 letters instead of 5 life everyone elses it would surely be Gareth.

What makes you think that? It's a fictional world, so names can be as weird as they want. Even so, that doesn't make it his name, you can bet he'll still be called Garet in this, assuming he appears in NPC form or is mentioned.

Also, to those who haven't realised yet, I made an awesome Golden Sun discussion thread, so please chat in it about Golden Sun, it'll be super special awesome. Smilie

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Golden Sun fan (guest) 07.11.2010#16

ahhhhh!!!!! I can't wait for it to come out already!!!!!!! I'm re playing Golden Sun 1 and 2 SmilieSmilie

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