Register your 3DS for an AR T-shirt!

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.03.2011 22

Register your 3DS for an AR T-shirt! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The love for Augmented Reality continues with 3000 limited edition t-shirts for those who register a new 3DS.

We've already got 3DS AR cards as big as buildings, but how 'bout an AR card on a t-shirt? The first 3,000 people to confirm their 3DS console with Club Nintendo will receive an individually numbered collector's t-shirt with working AR design!

Image for Register your 3DS for an AR T-shirt!

Don't forget to register your 3DS from Friday, the earlier the better!

Thanks to C3 reader Lrrr.

What will you be doing with your new 3DS AR t-shirt?

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I'd like to have one of these(I'd even wear it at school for the hell of it XD) but I'm already screwed for 2 reasons and both are because I live in Austria. I don't get it early enough and even if I did, it's useless because Club Nintendo doesn't support Austria for whatever fucking reason. -.- It's really pissing me off, seeing how many Nintendo Points I would have if it wasn't for that...

comsstuth (guest) 20.03.2011#2

Get a no fax payday loan in a few minutes, everyone approved.

Mush123 (guest) 20.03.2011#3

Sounds pretty awesome. I hope I get one.

Probably not though, knowing my luck. :/

The cool thing is you can let stuff come out of your chest! Smilie

Assuming the 3DS picks up the image even when it's a bit creased.

does anyone know how big they are cant seem to find out about that

Our member of the week

SirLink said:
I'd like to have one of these(I'd even wear it at school for the hell of it XD) but I'm already screwed for 2 reasons and both are because I live in Austria. I don't get it early enough and even if I did, it's useless because Club Nintendo doesn't support Austria for whatever fucking reason. -.- It's really pissing me off, seeing how many Nintendo Points I would have if it wasn't for that...

I'm pretty sure you can register through the German website, regardless that you live in Austria. Did you try that ? Luxembourg doesn't have one either, nor Switzerland, but I'm sure they are accepted in Belgium/France/Germany for one or Germany/France/Italy for the latter.

Worth a try for you. Besides you have nothing to lose, your points are useless to you as things stand right now Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I aint got a hope in hells chance.

Our member of the week

Amethyst said:
I aint got a hope in hells chance.

Remember when Metroid Prime Trilogy was released ? The 5000 first people in Europe to register their copy would get a free Metroid NES for VC download. And that was for the entire Europe whereas here that's 3000 per "zone" (France, Italy, Germany, UK, etc well all the zones which have individual nintendo-europe websites, since they all have separate nintendo club shops and offerings, thus separate stocks for the items they offer).

Despite that, I got my Metroid copy a few days after launch, registered, and still was among the 5000 first ones. Don't give up hope already Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:

I'm pretty sure you can register through the German website, regardless that you live in Austria. Did you try that ? Luxembourg doesn't have one either, nor Switzerland, but I'm sure they are accepted in Belgium/France/Germany for one or Germany/France/Italy for the latter.

Worth a try for you. Besides you have nothing to lose, your points are useless to you as things stand right now Smilie.

I've tried it already, I can register but it won't accept my address if I want to get something with my stars, so it's pretty useless. Smilie I actually had one a while back when I was 12 or something and got a lot of stars but when I finally wanted something for my stars, they refused to send it to my address in Austria.

PS: A Metroid compilation is a bit different than an extremely anticipated hardware launch, isn't it? Smilie

( Edited 21.03.2011 07:14 by SirLink )

Mush123 (guest) 21.03.2011#10

The shirts? May be a few different sizes or they'll be an average size... whatever that is.

Does this 3000 only include the UK and Europe?

I'd love one of these t-shirts, but I fear they'll all be gone by the time my 3DS gets delivered. I reckon the midnight launchers will snap them all up.

This is also on the Dutch Club Nintendo site. I don't plan on getting a 3DS.

Speaking of which... I'll get a lot of tax money back in a few months, I could afford a 3DS. I just don't need it! Smilie

I want one, and the 250 stars Nintendo owes me right now.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Here's hoping GAME sends it a day early like they usually do :3

aStanleyTroederb (guest) 21.03.2011#15


untollors (guest) 22.03.2011#16

Hello. And Bye.

InsinsElilm (guest) 22.03.2011#17


This is my first post here so I wuld llike say "Hello" to everybody. It is a great pleasure to be member of your great comminity.

Lypebiornebop (guest) 23.03.2011#18

I apologize for stupid question and if I ask is not where necessary. I'm confused , Kim Karadashian tape that all keep talking about - is really Kim K.?

OFF: Kim Kardashian tape

Sarahas (guest) 24.03.2011#19

I am new,wish you a happy day!

Sisyswottalty (guest) 24.03.2011#20


I registered for this but unfortunately, I'm late. I guess I'll try again next time they have offers like this because I wanted to have the collector's t-shirt even if it will cost me a cash advance. And the next time around, I think I'll also need patience. LOL.

Wow, great! We should always have a creative mind on how we'll be able to create something that will be beneficial to everyone. I wonder if you're aware of the robocalls? The Federal Trade Commission is sick of getting complaints from customers about robocalls, which have been a headache for a while. Since many businesses are not ceasing the practice, the FTC has announced a $50,000 prize for anyone who can determine how you can block robocalls. An installment loan can help you create an idea to enter.

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