Could Street Fighter Work in First Person?

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.01.2013 4

Could Street Fighter Work in First Person? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Could your favourite fighting game work as a first person brawler?

Capcom have already dabbled with the perspective for Street Fighter in the 3DS version of Street Fighter IV by offering an alternative "over the shoulder" hybrid, but one fan has taken things a little further. Animator Pipoca decided to use the classic brick breaking mini-game to hone his skills.

In the short animated clip we see a first person Ryu smash into these bricks with his feet, hands and gear up for the inevitable hadouken finish.


What do you think? Could a game like Street Fighter work in first person - perhaps on the Wii U or 3DS with personal screens?

Box art for Street Fighter II
Also known as

Street Fighter II: The World Warrior









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Dead or Alive 5+ on Vita will have a first-person mode, where you can either tap whereabouts on the opponent you strike, or use gestures like touching, flicking and pinching to attack. Not even joking.

Image for

Azuardo said:
Dead or Alive 5+ on Vita will have a first-person mode, where you can either tap whereabouts on the opponent you strike, or use gestures like touching, flicking and pinching to attack. Not even joking.

LOL The looks if someone was playing that, holding it vertically, on a train/bus with those sounds coming out of the thing. To the unknown viewer might look like some sort of sick "Make me a sandwich"-esque game.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


It's something I would definitely play in the comfort of my own privacy, tbf.

Psyfer84 (guest) 15.01.2013#4

Been there, done that.

And this was in the actual game!

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