Digital Foundry Explores Need for Speed on Wii U Compared to PC

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.03.2013 4

Digital Foundry Explores Need for Speed on Wii U Compared to PC on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Eurogamer's Digital Foundry has delved deep into it's latest Wii U comparison, looking at Need for Speed: Most Wanted.

Developer Criterion promised that the Wii U edition would be the "most definitive" experience out there, using assets from the PC version instead of being a straightforward console port. But how close does the Wii U version come to the maxed-out visuals on the PC?

The report looks at aspects like the improved texture bump, which gives "crisper looking concrete roads, tyre patterns and building fronts" which fall in line with the PC settings, leaving the PS3 and Xbox 360 equivalents looking "a tad smudged". However, these improvements are only seen in specific areas, with others dipping in quality in more minor locations.

In terms of geometry, the "Wii U has more in common with PC by mirroring most geometry at a distance, which creates a darker and more natural look to glistening road surfaces." It's not as deep as on a high-end PC, but offers some improvement. However in other areas, Digital Foundry notes how geometry seen on buildings are "identical to the other console versions too".


In terms of online though, the Wii U release has six players racing, compared to the eight on other systems.

Frame rate is another issue that has clogged down Wii U comparisons - just how stable can a title run on the system given the low clock speed of the Wii U CPU? For Most Wanted "it makes good on the promised 30FPS" and "sticks to its target more diligently than either the PS3 or 360 versions".

When considering the mixed quality of ports that have hit the Wii U so far, this ranks among the stronger and most committed efforts to cater for its strengths - a tradition we hope will long continue.


For the full report, be sure to read the Digital Foundry Need for Speed: Most Wanted Wii U analysis.

Have you take on the streets on Need for Speed: Most Wanted Wii U?

Box art for Need For Speed: Most Wanted








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Our member of the week

Can't wait to have some more time to get started on this one Smilie. Looks to be the new Burnout Paradise.

( Edited 29.03.2013 15:04 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

This game is beautiful! Most of the textures are very detailed and the lighting is gorgeous. I wish there was a photo mode. I could take in game photos all day long.

I'm currently addicted to playing it. The boards and speed cameras pitting players against one another are a great idea that can be pretty addictive in its self. 

( Edited 29.03.2013 17:22 by Trepe )

Trepe said:
This game is beautiful! Most of the textures are very detailed and the lighting is gorgeous. I wish there was a photo mode. I could take in game photos all day long.

I'm currently addicted to playing it. The boards and speed cameras pitting players against one another are a great idea that can be pretty addictive in its self. 

Agree entirely, saw your Miiverse post on it. I looks so, so smooth and equally good on the GamePad too. Very, tiny and super minor slowdown at points (I think on this one particular road), but a very solid racer. Glad it's held together on Wii U -  the comments from Alex Ward and Wii U videos is what made me buy this one.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Our member of the week

Might end up playing online with some of you chaps once I get more time to play it Smilie (bit busy with stuff to review at the moment)

( Edited 29.03.2013 23:30 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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