Two New Beasts for Monster Hunter 4 - Rathalos and Zinogre

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.09.2013 3

Two New Beasts for Monster Hunter 4 - Rathalos and Zinogre on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest Monster Hunter 4 update has revealed two fearsome new beasts: Rathalos and Zinogre.

Rathalos is known as the "King of the Sky", using a huge burst of speed to home in on hapless hunters below through ferocious flames. The tip of the tail also carries poison, which makes it rather tricky to find a point of attack.

Image for Two New Beasts for Monster Hunter 4 - Rathalos and Zinogre

Zinogre is crowned "Thunder Dragon", using both lightning and thunder whilst swiping at foes with its devastating claws. Sometimes this beast can also summon lightning bugs from the environment to boost its strength, with attacks that have the potential to destroy approaching hunters with ease.

Image for Two New Beasts for Monster Hunter 4 - Rathalos and Zinogre

Monster Hunter 4 is due out in Japan on 14th September, 2013.

Box art for Monster Hunter 4








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I feel all these flying beasts look too much like... whatever that iconic monster is called. Wait, isn't it Rathalos?

Zinogre looks a bit more original. Smilie

erc (guest) 11.09.2013#2

How are these monsters new? 

Kingdom (guest) 11.09.2013#3

Rathalos aint new. I killed him good plenny o' times.

Looks like the poor fella's getting smacked in the face with my greatsword some more then.

*understands new in the context of MH4 but couldn't help pointing out the largeness of ones sword*

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