Could the Nintendo NX Be Region Free?

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.05.2015 3

Could the Nintendo NX Be Region Free? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's stance towards region locking with new hardware could be changing, according to Satoru Iwata.

For years Nintendo have opted for a region-locking approach - ensuring that titles intended to be sold in one region cannot be played on a Nintendo device purchased elsewhere. Nintendo home consoles have been victim to this for generations, but handhelds had a more open selection of games to play up until the launch of the Nintendo 3DS.

Speaking to investors, Iwata expanded on comments that he would take region-free gaming into consideration. 

He noted how enabling region-free play on existing systems - like Wii U or 3DS - poses "a number of hurdles." However for new hardware like the Nintendo NX, the teams at Nintendo are "internally analyzing what hurdles exist to lifting region locks", though there are decisions to confirm.

"I personally want to give it positive consideration," said Iwata.

Do you think future Nintendo hardware, particuarly home consoles, should be region-free, or at least partially?

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There are no hurdles. Don't add the code in and bam! Importers can pay inflated prices for games they otherwise couldn't get.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

So... Wait a minute. We are not getting glasses free 3D films on 3DS as Nintendo kind of promised way back when!? So why the hell is the blasted thing still region locked?

If this is a cruel joke to get my hopes up just to crush them into a billion pieces I am going to cry from the bottom of my import heart...

If not, this is a day to celebrate with saving up a great bank account to support Nintendo on this! Smilie

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

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