Pre-Register for a Nintendo Account for Miitomo

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.02.2016 4

Pre-Register for a Nintendo Account for Miitomo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sign up to Nintendo's account service today to be the first to try out the new Miitomo app.

The new app, heading to iOS and  Android next month, is Nintendo's first steps into mobile gaming. It's a free-to-start experience where you use Mii characters to spark conversations with friends. By answering questions, you'll be able to find out a little bit more about friends, for example their favourite food, music and whether they believe in aliens.

Miitomo coins can be earned during play, which will unlock outfits for your mii characters. There'll also be the option to purchase more coins through the in-app option.

The My Nintendo rewards scheme is also launching next month, aiming to be a more comprehensive service.

Image for Pre-Register for a Nintendo Account for Miitomo

For more, be sure pre-register on the Miitomo website.

Have you signed up for My Nintendo yet?

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I'm really confused. Why can't they just use the Nintendo Network account? 
So now there's this master Nintendo account AND a Nintendo Network account?

Kinda odd, right? Surely they should have just stuck with Nintendo Network (maybe even just renamed it Nintendo account). Right? 

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Our member of the week

jb said:
I'm really confused. Why can't they just use the Nintendo Network account? 
So now there's this master Nintendo account AND a Nintendo Network account?

Kinda odd, right? Surely they should have just stuck with Nintendo Network (maybe even just renamed it Nintendo account). Right? 

Yeah but to have a NNID, you HAVE to own a Nintendo console. Remember that you can only create one from a 3DS or Wii U, so users getting into Miitomo without having either of those need a way to create an account, and MyNintendo will be at the center of the infrastructure of the NX, it's going to be the new global thing for all things Nintendo, going forward. Nintendo account will replace NNID eventually, and maybe this was a needed thing, maybe Nintendo Network was too hard to rework to integrate all the good stuff they'll put out going forward (and I'm pretty sure DeNA must be behind this). For starters, Nintendo Account will alleviate the need for separate Club Nintendo and Nintendo Network accounts for the reward system.

Having only ONE account system going forward, also allowing to better integrate what you do on console onto their web services (dynamic forum signatures indicating what you are playing right now for example, anyone?) is a much needed thing IMHO.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It's a bit of a mess, but will probably good for the future when everything is done through the Nintendo Account on the NX and the next portable system (or at least I hope it is). Nintendo have needed an oragnised PSN/Xbox Live type service for years and hopefully this will be the start of it.

would be cool if they incetivised wiiu and 3ds owners, based on their download purchases, with platinum coins. even if this were to happen i believe that it would be tied to the purchase of an nx console. it would be nice if it happened without purchase of an nx console and just the registration of a Nintendo Account and a Wiiu or 3DS NNID

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