E3 2006 News | Hudson Brings 100+ to Nintendo Wii VC

By Adam Riley 13.05.2006 9

Quick News - Hudson confirmed to IGN that it will bring over 100 Turbo Grafx games to Nintendo's Virtual Console and is currently trying to gain the rights to Third Party games from that platform as well! Bonk, Bomberman, Adventure Island, Lode Runner and more could all be on the way...

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Woohoo! The more the merrier.

Apparently trying to get the 3rd Party Turbo Grafx games is a nightmare since many of the developers don't ever exist anymore! Smilie Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses
Guest 14.05.2006#3

Oh Lord... Bonk will be on Virtual Console!? Smilie

I want Liquid Kid XD

Wow, just with the Turbo Grafx. Imagine how many there'll be on the consoles that were more popular (not to say the turbografx was any less of a machine, by any means, though I've never owned one, so I wouldn't know).

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

You really have to think that negotiations are going on with SNK...SNK Playmore is supporting the GBA with ports of its Metal Slug games, plus the Wii is already getting Metal Slug Anthology with Wii controller functions and the DS is getting that Card Fighter...The GameCube got squat because SNK didn't like the platform, apparently.

Clearly relations between Nintendo and SNK have improved remarkably, so could we be seeing Neo Geo stuff on the VC? How about Atari, Commodore, Spectrum, Colecovision, etc stuff?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Atari would be the next biggest thing to include. I bet that'd draw in some gamers who were then when games started and have since strayed from games. The other consoles like the commodore would have the cult followings jump aboard I bet, which is always good.

I'm hoping they let the cd-i on board. I used to have one, but it broke or something a few years ago. I don't even know if I have the games around. I would love to play them again. Besides, there were a handful of nintendo games on it, I had Mario Motel Madness or something (which I quite enjoyed at the time, thought it should be remembered I liked it when I couldn't beat the second level). I think I've heard of there being some sorta zelda game, too. The cd-i was a phillips console, wasn't it? I don't think it'd be "that" hard to get the games on VC as I don't think they have any loyalties to microsoft or sony. Fingers crosed at any rate.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I've heard of there being some sorta zelda game, too. The cd-i was a phillips console, wasn't it?

Yes. The only reason Zelda games were on it was to try and boost sales...and unfortunately they were all made by Philips and all turned out to be a steaming pile of Epona's poo...

jesusraz said:
You really have to think that negotiations are going on with SNK...SNK Playmore is supporting the GBA with ports of its Metal Slug games, plus the Wii is already getting Metal Slug Anthology with Wii controller functions and the DS is getting that Card Fighter...The GameCube got squat because SNK didnt like the platform, apparently.Clearly relations between Nintendo and SNK have improved remarkably, so could we be seeing Neo Geo stuff on the VC? How about Atari, Commodore, Spectrum, Colecovision, etc stuff?
Well I can't really think of any Neo Geo games other than Metal Slug, and I suppose SNK wouldn't want to compromise sales of the Anthology by putting it on the VC. Unless th Anthology IS on the VC... O.o Gasp! I've discovered SNK's secret!!

Anyway... I know the Neo Geo was supposed to have quite a few awesome fighters, like KOF. I've played Waku Waku 7 and that was pretty fun. Had no idea what was going on because it was all in Japanese, but it was still fun Smilie

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