Nintendo Wii Rumour | Activision Slip Launch Date?

By John Boyle 28.07.2006 10

The general IQ of game publishers seems to be dipping at an astonishing rate if you are to believe the various "accidents" coming from them regarding the release date of the Wii. The latest comes from Activision who sent a detailed release schedule to Joystiq's informant it stated that Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam will hit in October, with Call of Duty 3 coming in November.

Activision then hastily sent out a revised schedule with the Wii dates changed to "upon Wii launch". Joystiq has seen both documents and confirmed their authenticity, so what can we read from these? Well, either that the Wii will launch in October with CoD3 following up soon after or Tony Hawks will hit prior to launch with the console launching in early November. Read from it what you will, but one thing is certain... the Wii is hitting sooner rather than later and Nintendo are being as secretive as always about it.

So you'd best stick with C3 for all the latest Wii information...

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Some 360 games were out a week before the console.

msenyszak said:
Some 360 games were out a week before the console.


It is looking more and more likely that the wii will launch at least in America in Ocotber

( Edited on 28.07.2006 14:14 by Mr.Ashcroft )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I know mseny, that's what I was thinking. Some games hit late October and then an early November launch (like our iinformation said).

I'd love an October launch. Imagine playing corruption on halloween night :O

Just having a Wii would be good enough!

Hmm - I reckon it'll be late October/early November at this rate. Perhaps games coming out a week or two before the end of October.

We'll find out everything in a month and a bit anyway!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

What's the point in speculating about the launch.
I think it'll be in october but we'll find out in september anyway.Smilie

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Oh screw it, it's launching late October or early Novmeber. Now I wish people would jtus stop speculating...It's basically been confirmed by all these release dates.

Oh screw it, it's launching late October or early Novmeber. Now I wish people would jtus stop speculating...It's basically been confirmed by all these release dates.
Who cares if it's basically confirmed, as long as Nintendo hasn't confirmed anything we have the right to speculate. I say late october! Now who's with me!

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

You know, it would be hilarious, when every single 'accident', that happened until now and will most certainly happen till Wii-launch is set by Nintendo itself. They are laughing a tree-branch off themselves (As there is a saying in Germany) and back on again and is the daily reading for these Ninty-guys all over the world.

So maybe the launch is on oktober 2nd or on November 6th. That's a month apart and I think somewhere between, at the begin or on end of this timeframe...
That's okay, so I've got time to play throu my gamecube-games and save money for the launch of the most good games alongside a console I ever imagined.
X360 had 2 or 3 games I would have liked to buy (Oh, I think I got the tempus wrong there, no?) if I would have liked Microsoft, but with Wii there are some around 7 games, I want to lay my hands on (legally of course!)... That's 350 EUR plus the console itself. Then another Wiimote... Oh my... 500 EUR all for the launch...!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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