Nintendo Media | Theme Park DS Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.01.2007 14

Continuing our EA onslaught, the company have revealed more screens from another one of their simulations for DS, Theme Park DS. The game is a port of the highly successful original with unique DS features.

Be sure to check out the screen's album below for additional shots..

Box art for Theme Park








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I used to LOVE RollerCoaster Tycoon on the PC back in the day, if this is anything like as good I'm getting it!

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

EA has three major Japanese DS releases coming in the next three months in the form of this, Sim City and Dragon Zakura - definitely a great sign of things to come! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Mr. T said:
I used to LOVE RollerCoaster Tycoon on the PC back in the day, if this is anything like as good Im getting it!

me too!
at my freinds house i am en ace at it!!!

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

Brilliant! ^_^ I think DS is potentially awesome for Command & Conquer. Don't know if it's got the grunt to pull off a good version, though. That rather puny screen resolution would probably be a hurdle, aswell. A soldier would probably have to be a single pixel, a few tops.

Mind you, I think they could do it with a slightly zoomed-in, more detailed display on the top screen, with the touch screen completely zoomed out, giving you the option of which area to display on the top screen. That'd work, along with using the touch screen to select units.

( Edited on 19.01.2007 16:11 by Oni )

Mr. T said:
I used to LOVE RollerCoaster Tycoon on the PC back in the day, if this is anything like as good Im getting it!

I consider it an insult if you've never played Theme Park, I always found it superior to Rollercoaster Tycoon. Smilie

Oni, I'd think it could carry off C&C quite easily, the small screens are the main problem I see. I hope they do one, that would be ace.

Theme Park World is a poor mans RCT. >.>

Well, the likes of C&C and StarCraft on the N64, whilst even Cannon Fodder was squeezed onto the SNES!

And since the DS is technically stronger than the N64 overall, it should be able to cope much better. Remember that the Sim City game is based on SimCity 3000, so the DS can't be holding up too badly.

I'm also hoping another Bullfrog classic is pulled out - Syndicate. Loved the SNES version!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

jesusraz said:
since the DS is technically stronger than the N64 overall

I don't want to start an argument, but the DS is technically inferior to the N64. I've explained why before (not sure if you've been there when I have). If you can't understand why this is the case, then there isn't really any way I can explain it to you. Regardless, I also think C&C could be done on DS, if they put some thought into it.

I like the 'theme' games. Only played Theme Park and Theme Hospital on PS1, great games. This looks the same which is a good thing.

I don't get the hype around these games, personally i think it's pure muck.

Different strokes for differenet folks.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

IfritXVII said:
and Theme Hospital on PS1, great games.

i have theme hospital

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

The only thing about Theme Park that annoyed me was when some of the visitors got 'stuck'.

"Your visitors are stuck"
/Looks around to see a boy and a girl walking into a wall.Smilie

Never had this problem with Theme Hospital though.

Mason said:
Mr. T said:I used to LOVE RollerCoaster Tycoon on the PC back in the day, if this is anything like as good Im getting it!
I consider it an insult if youve never played Theme Park, I always found it superior to Rollercoaster Tycoon. SmilieOni, Id think it could carry off C&C quite easily, the small screens are the main problem I see. I hope they do one, that would be ace.

YES! I agree, I gave both Theme Park and Rollercoaster Tycoon a go... Theme Park was the original, and the best! This new DS version looks almost like a direct port... so for anyone who didn't own the original - its a must have!

Railroad Tycoon was pretty awesome though Smilie

about Command and Conquer... yeah, on the DS it could be the first playable *console* version if they do it properly. They would have to manage the small screen size somehow. Probably by a combination of olden-day graphics and a more zoomed-in view (forcing you to make more use of the minimap)Smilie

( Edited on 20.01.2007 01:11 by theduffman )

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

Hooray for touch screen. Looks tops, a nice start to these simulation games for the DS. The Wii is simply ITCHING for games that need a mouse-type-pointer input device.

It's only a matter of time!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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