Nintendo News | Motion Control Comes to DS!

By Adam Riley 07.06.2007 6

Set for 2nd August in Japan, and first revealed on Cubed3, Nintendo's Slide Adventure Mag Kid comes complete with a special peripheral, which has had the lid lifted on how it works in terms of moving the main character around in the game. As indicated in the original story, the device slots into the GBA port and is designed to work on a flat surface, with the DS being placed down and moved around.

For this to even be feasible, the game takes on a top-down perspective so you can see the character moving around. As for the protagonist himself, he is a circular being with magnetic properties that can be used to solve the numerous puzzles surrounding you. You make use of the slide technique to bump into enemies, stunning them and making them stick to the lead. Following this, in a rather Kirby-esque fashion, Mag Kid can absorb their attributes to unleash special attacks, with examples being a laser beam or fiery breath. To dispose of enemies stuck to you, a simple shake of the DS will detach them with ease.

Interestingly, it seems that you can attach up to eight enemies (at least) to Mag Kid, with different combinations helping at different stages of the game, with an example being when facing a fire boss that requires you to hurl water at it in order to kill it.

Stick around for further updates here on Cubed3...

Box art for Slide Adventure: Mag Kid








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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Sounds like one to watch out for. Not very appropriate for bus rides though. Smilie
Still, a few games aren't. With the yelling in the mic and such. Smilie

( Edited on 07.06.2007 12:22 by Celebi3000 )

with an example being when facing a fire boss that requires you to hurl water at it in order to kill it.

It sounded original until that last bit Smilie

Hmm, I'm unsure of this one - I think it's the kind of game that you have to play to see how it works, or at least see a movie to see how it works in practice.

It sounds like a PC mouse...

Sounds... Kind of odd... Could be good to get when it's budget price though ;3

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

This sounds utterly retarded.

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