First Guitar Hero IV Details (Update)

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.05.2008 9

The June issue of Game Informer reveals fresh details from the upcoming forth installment of Guitar Hero.

Aside from the special-editions of Guitar Hero III, the true successor will have some funky new additions including custom song creation and support for multiple instruments, reports Shack News.

Guitar Hero IV, due for release this fall, is said to include drum and vocal work (much like EA's Rock Band effort), alongside the expected Bass and Guitar. It's currently unknown if Rock Band's periperals will be supported, or whole new set will be on offer. As for song creation, players can mock up their work (excluding vocals), artwork, and upload their creations to the world. There'll initially be a 5-song limit, but this is likely to change.

Van Halen, The Eagles, Linkin Park and Sublime have agreed to feature, with developer Neversoft confirming master tracks shall be used for all available songs.

Update: The drum kit accessory for Guitar Hero IV has been revealed:

Image for First Guitar Hero IV Details (Update)

Via Aussie-Nintendo.

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The create a song feature sounds great. Just hope that 5 song limit will incrase.

Activision getting their hands on the licence was never going to be a good thing. As Guitar Hero III was just a shit version of the Guitar Hero series this will be a shit version of Rock Band.

Although, it does have Van Halen and THE EAGLES! Please Eagles for Rock Band.

Custom song creation sounds good, I wonder how that will work though, I am guessing in the same way Audiosurf works. If you can upload a track of your bands creation and then the game processes the audio data into GH strums that would be cool. If you could then pass on tracks to friends that would be great.

( Edited 13.05.2008 07:25 by Linkyshinks )

Kangaroo_Kid said:
Activision getting their hands on the licence was never going to be a good thing. As Guitar Hero III was just a shit version of the Guitar Hero series this will be a shit version of Rock Band.

Sorry, but I find GH3 the best iteration in the series - okay, partly due to the red guitar being much worse then the funky white Wii-one. The songs are (a bit!) better, the note-board where the colourful dots appear is suiting me more then the old one (old one being a bit smaller and a bit more seen from \'a lower angle\' if you know what I mean).
But It hink you are right with Rock Band: It\'s looking like a cheap rip-off with drums and vocals, you see...

Kangaroo_Kid said:
Although, it does have Van Halen and THE EAGLES!

Yes, that\'s great. and this one:
Van Halen, The Eagles, Linkin Park and Sublime have agreed to feature, with developer Neversoft confirming master tracks shall be used for all available songs.

Go Sublime, Van Halen (they made other great songs beside Jump, you know, but why not including that?). Eagles? wow! With one of the best intros for a Rock(?) song ever (Hotel California, AND it has a great solo!) it\'s perfect for a guitar-game!

Linkin\' Park... Wellllllll... One songs sounds like the other, so including one will suffice for all GHs to come. Smilie


Linkyshinks said:
Custom song creation sounds good, I wonder how that will work though, I am guessing in the same way Audiosurf works. If you can upload a track of your bands creation and then the game processes the audio data into GH strums that would be cool. If you could then pass on tracks to friends that would be great.

Since you have to play your song with guitar, drum and bass in GH itself, it will be recorded in GHs song format and so be very much from the start be into \'strum\'s format\'!

( Edited 13.05.2008 09:03 by Laurelin )

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

"Hey guys"
"Lets take Karaoke Revolution, Guitar Freaks, and Drummania and combine them into one game!"
"Isn't that what rock band did sir?"
"Screw those guys, this will be Guitar Hero IV"


I used to get my kicks of rhythm games, but ever since they became really poor knock offs of Konami stuff (not a loyalist, but I have honestly tried all the games, and Guitar Freaks and Drummania come out on top for me) it's just become a giant pissing contest. And honestly, making some of the songs as retardedly hard as they do for a game of all things just takes the fun out of it all.

Yes RedOctane, I am looking at you for starting all this shit. First ITG, then GH, and now Activision has raped it all and it's become very ugly.

copy of rock band...
well lets hope its decent
create a song would be good, and now with wii ware there may be the possibility of DLC

Linkyshinks said:
Custom song creation sounds good, I wonder how that will work though, I am guessing in the same way Audiosurf works. If you can upload a track of your bands creation and then the game processes the audio data into GH strums that would be cool. If you could then pass on tracks to friends that would be great.

That would be quite cool actually.

Laurelin said:
Kangaroo_Kid said:
Activision getting their hands on the licence was never going to be a good thing. As Guitar Hero III was just a shit version of the Guitar Hero series this will be a shit version of Rock Band.

Sorry, but I find GH3 the best iteration in the series - okay, partly due to the red guitar being much worse then the funky white Wii-one. The songs are (a bit!) better, the note-board where the colourful dots appear is suiting me more then the old one (old one being a bit smaller and a bit more seen from 'a lower angle' if you know what I mean).
But It hink you are right with Rock Band: It's looking like a cheap rip-off with drums and vocals, you see...

I disagree with the tracklist being the best one yet but fair enough with the rest of your points. The main thing that I didn't like about Guitar Hero III is their view of the whole 'rock thing'. It felt as if it didn't have skulls spewing flames everywhere it wasn't rock 'n roll, I thought they missed the mark completely. And that really, really pissed me off, being the massive wannabe rockstar I am despite no musical talent in particular.

Also if they do put Hotel California on there I will have to think really, really hard about changing my mind and getting this. Just about any Van Halen song will do me as well.

Yeah I think the problem with GH3 was entirely in the style. I personally loved the game itself. Also if you have the 360 version (download the PC version) or the PC version you can get custom songs in there already Smilie

Custom songs!!! Fuck yeah!!

Annoyed about the band thing though...they should stick to guitar seeing as it's GUITAR Hero.

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