Splatoon Tops a Million Units Worldwide

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.06.2015 1

Splatoon Tops a Million Units Worldwide on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have set another record with a milestone achievement for original Wii U shooter, Splatoon.

The third-person shooter has had a growing number of fans and swayed critics since its release at the end of last month. Armed with a vibrant palette of paint, unique gameplay mechanics and competitive online play, Splatoon has found its way into over a million homes on a global scale.

Nintendo's internal figures suggest over 230,000 physical/digital units in Europe, over 368,000 in Japan and 476,000 in North America. In addition, around 20k have been sold in Australia.

"We are pleased this new Wii U exclusive game is capturing the imagination of so many fans across Europe, and look forward to bringing more exclusive titles to both Wii U and Nintendo 3DS this year," said Nintendo of Europe President Satoru Shibata.

For more, be sure to read our Splatoon Wii U review and YouTube Splatoon playthrough.


Have you joined the thousands of players competing online in Splatoon?

Box art for Splatoon








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Great news, hopefully this encourages nintendo to continue to take risks on original IP. Oh and to actually pump some cash into marketing them 

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